Thursday 28 September 2017

THOSE PEOPLE&US(Acts 9:10-22)

In the first 15 years of my life,i was going through the christian motion. _You are born into the christian home,go to church&go through all the religious processes_.

From then having been convicted somewhere at senior high level, i fully committed myself to him.
Many people go through these stages like i did.However,not all get to the point where they truly get to be born again or to fully commit to him.

In my twenty 'something' years of christian life, I have seen people like me. Also, I have seen people raised in the christian home, gone astray&come back.

Others go astray,we see them around but they are yet to be back in the faith. We still have those who are with us but are so lukewarm, carefree about the faith as if nothing is at stake.

Acts 9 gives an accounts of one man who experienced the two.One we all adore-PAUL. Though Paul before his conversion persecuted christians,God told  Ananias to go& heal him making him ready for his use. We know how mightily God worked through him far beyond expectation.

My message this morning:
I see how people who are seen as 'those people' are condemned,judged,discriminated&neglected.
The difference between 'us' and 'those people' is 'GRACE'. It was Grace that found you not by anything you did.(Eph.2:8)

So,why look down,judge&condemn them.God loves them. He came to save sinners just as he did for you.
I have seen 'those people' totally condemned who amazingly accepted Christ &are doing GREAT. I've seen the 'US' brutally fallen to some 'common' sins 'Those people' won't even do.

There,they get to understand that it is his Grace&mercy that is holding them.Beloved, the same Grace that found you is looking for them through you.

They may get on your nerves, be a bad influence& can really hurt.The worst we can do is not to discourage &push them away but pray&intercede for them.You were&couldn't be any different.

Noone is beyond Jesus' reach. He found the Persecuting Paul,the Sensual Papa Shee & an Unworthy like me.

THOSE PEOPLE&US- Let the latter look for the former

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