Wednesday, 28 November 2018

The Christian Classes...

(5-Year Anniv.🌻🙌🏻)

*_I think every Christian (& by extension every human being) should take a class on CHARACTER,HUMILITY, FAITHFULNESS and above all LOVE_*

(@Kirk Franklin Inspired)

*_We all need this and the BIBLE is the best Classroom with JESUS being the model teacher to take us through._*

Verses to read:...
2 Kings 12:15, Prov.10:9, 1 Pet.5:6,Hosea 2:20,Rom.12:9

These are some of the key lessons we need to be taught to face this *LIFE* as Christians in it. *We All Need This!*

*Your All Round Devotional- OTM'19 beckons...😊🙌🏻...Details...*

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