Friday, 18 October 2019

Let Us Hate Divorce (on Zeal Media)

Tuesday, 24 September 2019


*'I hate divorce'...says the Lord,God of Israel... (Malachi 2:16a)*

God hates divorce is one of the most quoted scripture about mariage and its break up.Again, the subject of divorce is  one of the most controversial subjects especially with its attendant issue of remarriage which is still raging.

The message God gave me on this is to look at the issue from its base. For the many unmarried and those already in it, the Lord wants us to join him in making this declaration- *Let Us Hate Divorce*

To hate divorce, it all starts from choosing the right partner. Easier said than done?...Guess that is your thought. Truthfully, it is difficult knowing who the right partner is especially in today's world. You don't know what is going to happen. One of the complex beings are humans.They can change in the most dramatic fashions. It makes you wonder whether it is the same person you've known or lived with for years.

With all these practical precautions, I believe if we will wait upon God, in prayer, in our watch, in listening to him, in ordering our steps and making the right moves; the same God who hates divorce will lead us to the *right imperfect partner* where no matter the hue and cry, divorce will not be an option. I believe people getting ready to get married should be prepared to pour their hearts and souls to each other. #Sincerety

If there is nothing to hide and you are in it for the unending haul, discuss the subject of divorce even before marriage.Tell yourselves- This means both of us are not going to do the things that raises the divorce flag. And that when there are traces of it, either partner are and will be prepared to forgive and fight to save the marriage. This is among talking about other things like how you will keep the marriage fresh all the time. As partners, let us join hands with God and say-We Hate Divorce!...This also works!

Beloved, no matter the situation, how long you have waited and the many failing relationships, do not be pressurised into going into a marriage that is broken right from the onset. Noone is encouraged to stay in a killing relationship or that there shouldn't be a legitimate divorce window even as the Bible seemingly suggest; however, to you and that marriage that is falling apart, have both of you done enough to work it out?...exhausted all possible avenues?...

I believe *a lot of marriages(emphasis)* need a work through and not a break out especially with the many reasons we hear today. _(Either they were not dealt before marriage which is key, or there are petty lingering matters to iron out or both are just not prepared to work it out)_

Of course, the statistics are alarming but there are also many good lasting marriages out there to learn from. Can we, especially the ones now, enter into the marriage institution with a *Hate Divorce mentality.* We can get it right!...We can get the right partner!...We can stay in it forever and we will by that hate divorce as God has originally willed it for us all.(Matt.19:8b)


*PRAYER:Lord, Help us to have lasting and exemplary marriages.*

Thursday, 8 August 2019

*Are You 'Fighting' God?*

Their 'fight' with God got to astronomical levels such that the Almighty had to do the following:

_And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah(Jonah 1)_.....
_Then the Lord opened the mouth of the Donkey and she said to Balaam, 'What have i done to you...(Numbers 23)'_

Simply, the recalcitrant& stone-hearted Jonah as well as the canal and the Pleasure Seeking Balaam _(both Prophets)_ decided to greatly disobey God's marching orders. (Get to read the account again)
Are you Fighting God too?...I know &can easily picture that BIG NO reaction from your face.

However, the sad truth is that sometimes or should I say mostly we do. Our minds are fixed on a lot of things such that no matter how hard God's knocks have been, we have refused to allow him entry. *(You know them...Start to Recount)*...Remember,Prov. 29:11 says- Those who remain stiff-necked after many rebukes shall be cut-off.

*One thing we fail to see is that we fight God for the many test and trials that only seek to propel us to the many prosperity prayers we have been bombarding God with.*

Fighting God is serious although I concede can be unintentional and ignorant on our part. The good news is God knows our hearts...Therefore, sincerely, let this be your regular Prayer: *Lord,Forgive me for 'fighting' against you in anyway.Please open my eyes,help me amend my ways and teach me to accept whatever you say as Good and Perfect. Above all, work on me& continually submerge my will to yours.*

*SO I SAY:Don't Fight God...In fact, you can't Fight God... Let his will for your life be.*

Tuesday, 6 August 2019


Before you push for the next Excuse, why don't you simply ask yourself- *'What Can I do to improve?'*

We are all guilty. We might have made one the previous hour but I pray God help from hence even as we ponder over these:

_Genesis 3:11-13-"And He said, …'Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?' The man said, 'The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit...and I ate it.'..... The woman said, 'The serpent deceived me, and I ate.'"_

_Most people don't have that willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses and they talk like victims.-Carlos Santana_

_People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives. J. Michael Straczynski_

_“There is a lie in between a promise and many excuses.” ― Toba Beta_

_“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” ―Henry Ward Beeter_

_Don't you dare take the lazy way. It's too easy to excuse yourself because of your ancestry. Don't let me catch you doing it! Now -- look close at me so you will remember. Whatever you do, it will be you who do.” - John Steinbeck_

_“No one ever excused his way to success.” ― Dave Del Dotto_

*SO I SAY:Excuses makes us restlessly fine whilst still caught up with how to get out of that fine web...* Help  us Lord to rid ourselves of the many excuses and to do what is right.

Sunday, 28 July 2019


Let's Meditate on Romans 13:11-14. You will surely be blessed.

_V.11And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed._ 

_12The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light._

_13Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy._

_14Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature._


Tuesday, 23 July 2019

*The Do's and Don'ts in Christianity...* (READ WELL)

The Do's...
*Do live a chaste life- A VirginπŸ˜‰, be generous,pray always...*

The Don'ts...
*Don't lie, Don't fornicate,Don't forsake the assembly of the saints....* (Exod.
20 & Col. 3:12- list more)

When I earlier teased many up with today's title, I got a lot of feedback that suggested to me how it has been on the minds of many. Again, how Christianity has been made to look like by none other than *us*-yes,you& I.

It has been made to look like a bunch of rules that must be strictly adhered to. Mind you, today, we are not under law but Grace.(Rom. 6:14-15)
*Now this is it-Brethren, when we change from one state to another, something must show. If we call ourselves Christians, then something must show. And so there will be Do's and Don'ts but it is not about that which is seen, it is about who we truly are and who is enabling us to do that which is seen.*

This, God's love out of which his Grace enables and compels us to.(Please Eph.2:8-10, Gal. 2:16-21)

*So I Say: Do's and Don'ts?...No, that is not Christianity.*

*Absolute Truth: Christianity has never been about Do's and Don'ts,otherwise then Christ's death is fruitless. It is a relationship which makes the Do's and Don'ts a given -Otuosquotes.*

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

*TERSE STORY- Help Us Lord...*

*_A mother’s love for her two little children drew her to buy some toys for them. Upon arrival, she started sharing between them but the younger kept taking her sister’s own aside holding on tightly to hers._*

*_After taking almost everything, she looked through, took the messed up one & handed it to her sister. She then walked off with the toys falling off without her realising._*

The above gives a vivid picture of humans and our evil desires that permeates this world.
The Bible says in James 1:14 _ “…but each one is tempted when, by his OWN EVIL DESIRE, he is dragged away and enticed.”_ 

*SO I SAY:Help us Lord... not to be led astray by our own evil desires but to be led right by your own Holy Spirit which overshadows us. HELP US LORD!*

Friday, 12 July 2019


Nearly 3 years back in Ghana, it was all about our Elections,very soon another one will be due and after that what?...

Some few months back, it was all about the UEFA Champions League, now it is the AFCON,and in just about a week ,it will pass for another 'something'  to take the football space.

Last Week, it was about a Friend's wedding, that Anniversary,Mega concert...All forgotten huh?...and looking forward to the next...(With all the buzz&controversy with the VGMAs19, many have forgotten about it perhaps until...)

Remember, some 15-20yrs back, Social media(Twitter, Snapchat,Facebook et al)wasn't as it is now.Yes, it is the ish but would it be the same or even remain, some 5yrs ahead?...(Recently, news of Whatsapp crush and Twitter going down was all over)

Beloved, I draw this long chronology of events&situations just to tell you... *At the end of it all..ALL SHALL PASS!* This world can never satisfy us.We achieve one and then yearn for ten...oh yea, do Pursue thy good gettings for personally I'm not slacking at all but *At the end of it all...* 

There is something they do on social media which is- _'Now that....., it is a good time to remind you about....'_*I say, Now that the world looks more and more enticing, drawing us into itself, it is a good time to remind ourselves that God,his word will forever remain and that Salvation is still the ish...always needed.*

*SO I SAY: Not Saved?..Run to Him...Acts2:21,Rom 10:9....Saved?... Continue to work it out Counting on what God has worked in(Phil.2:13)*

Monday, 8 July 2019


_Sometimes I do not pray in words. I take my heart in my two hands and hold it up before the Lord. I am so glad he understands._- By Nicholson

Beloved, Until you utter those words in your mind, on your heart no man can ever know unless God reveals it.

It is why he says in 1Cor.2:11- 'For who can know the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him.' (Thankfully, God has given us his Spirit to even know his hence the man that he  created.-1Cor.2:16)

Thankfully, we have a God who doesn't need to hear our words, he knows it all right from our hearts. Our God encourages  us to trade with him in words in prayer but since he looks at the heart, what better way than to offer our hearts *first*.

*And so just know that when you can't find those words, when the hardship of this life rob you of the words to speak, when you just don't feel like praying or saying anything; do just this one thing-In the world of your mind,gather it all, throw it in your heart and present it to God.*
*Our God hears such prayers too!*


_(If Out of the abundance of the heart,the mouth speaketh; then let's start with our hearts most importantly. Luke 17:34,Jer.17:10)_

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


We desire to move to the other side.The other side where our peace,comfort,favour,success,marriage, fruit of the womb,distinction,miracle,healing,dignity, wealth and all you can think of can be found.

However, just as the disciples faced en route to the other side as promised by Jesus in Mark 4:35-41,he was asleep in the midst of a major setback.

Their problem was that boisterous storm yet Jesus was pleasantly asleep in it all.
Does Jesus seem asleep on your problems?.... _(This is what to do?)_

*When Jesus seems asleep on your troubles, don't fear,have faith, trust him to further 'sleep' on him, for he will definitely take you there* (Mark 4:39-41)

*SO I SAY: When Jesus promises to take you to the other side, don't only look out for how safe the place is but also about the challenges to getting there.*

Monday, 1 July 2019


Today is July 1. It is called Republic Day and used to be a holiday until this current administration decided to scrap that making it only commemorative.

Days such as this are supposed to reinforce our *independence and forward looking* as sovereign countries where supreme power rests not in kings but in the people& its elected reps. including the President yet...

Therefore, these *Notes*:
*_Why should we continue to litter?... Why do we continue to delight in the chicken feed of aid?... Why are we raw material dependant?...Above all,Why do we see ourselves as inferior,thinking we can't do it?...._*

*SO I SAY: Time to fix this weak mentality sickness is Now....ONLY THE WORD OF GOD then...*
(Read Acts 17:25-,Rom.12:1-2.)

Friday, 28 June 2019

*FLOURISH'19 (3)*

You are made to...
*Shoot Up here Not to Shoot down there....* 
*Made to Bloom Not Gloom...* 
*Made to Blossom Out Not Bottle Out...* 
*To be Fruitful not Fruitless...* 
*To Burst forth Not To Bust up...* 
*To Run Riot Not To Dilly-Dally*

This is what *To Flourish* means& as a writer I chose to do what *Words* love to be done to them- *To Play with them.* Beloved, You are made to Flourish and so he gave you the capacity to....(Read Deut 8:18)

I say this&i am sure you are looking at yourself(I am too), your current predicament,you look at the times, seasons and the era we find ourselves where evil abound, the end near and hardship continue to harden us...Your one innocent *word* is Survival but God's Gracious *Words* to you is to *Thrive...Prosper...Flourish.*
-When has evil not permeated this world?(Ask Cain& Abel from the beginning)
-When has it ever been 'sooo' rossy and trouble-free (Jesus himself said, in this world you will have trouble...)
-And the end has always been near right from the time our Great Grannies Adam&Eve ate to SIN.

So,it doesn't matter what was and what is now, your destiny is in the hands of the Lord of Hosts and he says *If Only you will continue to Abide in me,Open your hearts,Patiently Wait on Me and Avail yourself for full use, you shall definitely flourish beyond measure.* 

*SO I SAY:*FLOURISH 2019(as FLOURISH'19)- _Flourishing it doth flourish, and rejoice,Yea, with joy and singing, The honour of Lebanon hath been given to it,The beauty of Carmel and Sharon, They-they see the honour of Jehovah, The majesty of our God.(Is. 35:2)_*

Monday, 24 June 2019

*Copied... Worthy of Sharing...LET'S HEED!*πŸ”₯πŸ™πŸ»

So if you are in a church after one year [and ] you are not a choirister, you are not an usher , you are not a counselor,  you are not a prayer warrior, they ask you; What are you doing in the church? You say ; nothing , [as for] me I am just a member. No! You are an enemy. If you are not gathering,  you are a scatterer. If you are not helping , you are making matters worse.
-- *Rev. Eastwood Anaba* 

Me:  He who is not pushing or pulling is only adding his weight to the load for those who are pushing or pulling.
Beloved, we need your 'force' and not your 'weight'.

He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. Luke 11:23 KJV #TangibleWord #Keeploving 

*MEDITATE*(Eph. 5:11-16)

It is Meditate. Spare a thought this morning.

*_Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them. For it's shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, 'Awake, o Sleeper and arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.(Eph. 5:11-16)_*

*SO I SAY:As you Meditate, Know that we have an Onerous duty as Christians to discharge, a weight that has already been taken care of by his matchless Grace for us...COUNT ON IT!*

Friday, 21 June 2019


In the Military quarters, the expression Marching Orders is commonly used, well understood and strictly adhered to. It simply means 'A command or instruction from Authority on exactly what to do or the next specific move to make. 

Failure to respect and Obey this leads to another meaning of Marching Orders which is notice of dismissal or sending off for doing something wrong.

So i ask here, As Christians What is our Marching Orders especially relating to the former definition since we have an all Gracious&Merciful Father who doesn't throw us away when we wrong/sin against him.

_Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing....and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”(Matt. 28:18-20)_

*Beloved, This is our marching orders as Christians. To Spread the Gospel,To Win Souls,To Save Lives, To Nurture and Raise Disciples to Continue thereafter...*
 It is a command, One that has to be obeyed. As a result, we are given  Authority from the 'Authority' himself(JESUS) over every& any force that seeks to derail our mission.Then, in all these he says i will be with you till the end.(That is UNFAILING)

And so, this is our Evangelism Call. One, that he just does not Command us to but empowers us to. (Phil.2:13- For it is God who is at work in you....) 

*It is Marching Orders not to scare us but just because souls are perishing and as a loving and merciful God, he wants us to understand the gravity of the situation(the world we live in now speaks volume) *

Ooh but how we've normalised it and made it as one of those convenient options. Can we learn from the Military on how they do not joke with this since a life or a nation is at stake...and here we are looking at OUR LIFE NOW AND EVEN THE LIFE AFTER MOST IMPORTANTLY.


Thursday, 20 June 2019

Creation Speaks...Listen!

 Simple here today but deeply cause you to call out to the deep of God through his Creation.


 *_Creation Speaks...Listen-Otuosquotes_*

Saturday, 15 June 2019


Ernest Nii-Okai Okai popularly known as Nii Okai brings us our powerful song message today from his collections titled- *REVIVAL*
Straight let's go for it. The link is below. Be Blessed.

" *Holy..... Spirit, we need your Revival again*

We are in the last days. Sin is the order of the day.
The love of many waxing cold, Wolves are devouring in thy fold.
We are the church you promised to build and the gates of hell shall not prevail.
Lord, remember your heartfelt prayer that we may be one as we tarry...

*Holy Spirit, we need your Revival again*

Selfish Ambition, Narcissism, Materialism, Activity No Devotion, 
I don't Carism for the Perishing Soul, Abandon the Mission
Prosperity is all we are preaching, the elders are dying, the body divided,
We don't seem to care about sinners again..

*Holy Spirit, we need your Revival again*

We are busy building altars to our golden calves...HAVE MERCY ON US AND SPARE OUR LIVES.
Lord, purify us with your fire day by day and send us your latter rain

*Holy Spirit, we need your Revival again*

Lord, purify us with your fire day by day and send us your latter rain.....

LET IT FALL LIKE FIRE... " (Sweeping across the Church(YOU) and all the Churches all over)

Monday, 10 June 2019


There is someone who anyone can easily have. He opens that door  to easily grab him in. In fact, he is ready to take you ASAP....ooh Forget about who you are and what you have done.

He is Enough for everyone yet you can never know him ENOUGH. That is why he is...

 So, Who am i?

*SO I SAY: Lord , I can never know you enough but you are Enough for me-Otuosquotes*

_(These verses to read-Psalm 46, Matt.6:26, 1Pet.5:7, Eph.3:20,Phil.4:19,Zeph.3:17)_

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

*TERSE STORY* *3nti )d) wo? (Check the Love)πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†*

‘Hey, you do know I love you?...right?...See, for all the people in my life, you top them all.Why don’t you do this one *thing* for me.’_ ....Akwasi rapped Akosua as she responded. 

_"Ra-ly,...I mean Really... aww, Akwasi, do I mean so much to you?...over everybody?_.... _You see I don’t mind giving you that whooping amount  *BUT* first listen to the same thing you told Ama in this recording…”_

SO I SAY: 3nti )d)  wo?....Check the Love...May God help us to know(discern) *the real people in our lives* & *those who only claim to love us*


Sunday, 2 June 2019

*Our Weakness, His Strength*

_A group of young ones I interacted with shared these traits and principles with me- Disciplined, Determined, Just, Strong-willed, Lively and Carefree._

_One confessed -“These are some of the personal attributes and principles we live by yet we can attest to the many times we have failed at it. I used to think I was strong-willed until something little I thought could never break me did._

_Sometimes, what we consider our strengths tend to become our weaknesses. Our righteousness is indeed a filthy rag.” she ended_

  *_Therefore, whenever my weakness shows its strong weakening self, I know I can fall on this mantra of the Lord’s- Your Weakness...My Strength!!!_*

SO I SAY(on God's Behalf):
*Humans have always needed more than what is human in order to BE. Therefore, bask in this continual Exchange I give- ‘For your every weakness, I give you strength’.*

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

*In Christianity, WORDS=ACTIONS*

_When you tell me- ‘I Love You’, they are words taken seriously and I do count on you to show it._

_When you continue to show me you love me, it will certainly gladden my heart. However, when I find out your actions were ill-conceived or tied to what I could do for you; then your actions amounts to virtually nothing._

*Beloved, in Christianity,Words=Actions*

*[From OTMDevotional'19,Jan 14 Titled-Words=Actions]*

*SO I SAY: Do you take your words seriously?.... Do you walk your talk?... A heart that pleases God do not end at thoughts and words but are sincere at turning them into actions that only honour God and nothing else- Otuosquotes_*

Sunday, 26 May 2019


*_You won't let go?...Okay,you are the one destroying yourself... It is you who is not is you who has something in your is you who keep on wasting precious time trying to spoil the is you who will grow bitter and then..._*

[ From OTM Devotional'19 Jan,13- Titled: *Why Don't You Let It All Go*]

*SO I SAY:TO YOU- Please Let it all go.(Forgiveness)*


Friday, 24 May 2019

*FLOURISH'19 (2)....Like the Palm Tree

No matter the storm, tremors, quakes and hurricanes that this ‘dunya’(World) brings us, God brought us here not  just to survive but to Thrive...

We WERE and are made to #FLOURISH...And this is the lesson we pick from the *Palm Tree* today.

_Trees generally snap, or at least lose a few branches, when faced with hurricane-strength winds. Not palm trees. These staples of the tropics typically bend during gusty weather. For starters, unlike traditional trees, palm trees are not made of wood. "Instead, you'll find a jumble of spongy tissue, scattered instead of arranged" inside a palm..._

_Most trees lay down rings as they grow every year. But not the palm tree; some of its cells are malleable, and others can easily flex and then return to their original position. [Its] lack of conventional structure is what gives the palm its flexibility and makes it supremely adapted to the gentle island breezes that periodically coalesce into ruthless hurricanes,"_(Helpful site

Aside its deep rooted nature, it feeds on water, air, sunlight and other conducive atmosphere as its nourishment.
The bible says in Psalm 92:12-15 :The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;planted in the house of the Lord,they will flourish in the courts of our God.They will still bear fruit in old age,they will stay fresh and green,proclaiming, “The Lord is upright;he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”

SO I SAY: I pray that you will be firmly rooted in the Lord such that whether it is the changing times or the wicked storm you will stand firm, adapt well and even flourish in it all like the Palm tree. (Word Study & Prayer has always been the ‘trick’)

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

*TERSE STORY* _*(What is Your Life?)*_

12- year old Paapa sat in Nana’s rocking chair mimicking his Granny. 

_‘This is reminiscent of the Good old Days’._  Nana said thoughtfully.
Paapa stopped and asked...

_‘Are we doing anything re-mi-ni-sc-ent of those Good old Days._
Granpa paused, gathered his thoughts and answered...

*_ ‘I guess if for nothing at all, it can start with you. What is your Life?’_*

*SO I ALSO ASK: _What is your Life?..._*
( *THIS IS YOUR TERSE STORY...More to Come*)

Thursday, 16 May 2019


Charley, How far… Are you done?... Can we go?...Can I get it? _(As the person asks this, he looks at you expecting a positive feedback but mostly…)_

Today is the 16th of May, 2019. It is clear it is not the beginning of the year but almost  mid-way into the year. This came to me which is one great reminder of a message:

*HOW FAR today… with just some few hours into it?  It looks like you are already approaching it like the failings of yesterday.

HOW FAR with some 5 Months into the year…those plans for the year…Are you on course to achieving them… the challenges, discouragements, all the hardwork to no avail?.... I guess that is why the message is here.

*HOW FAR with that smelly attitude that nearly made you lose what is dear to you. You thought of changing but the last encounter you had….

*HOW FAR with the work assigned to you months ago which is due in a week, HOW FAR with that School project,  and HOW FAR with your personal assignments which from intents& purposes should cause  that needed elevation.

*HOW FAR with what you told yourself you wouldn’t do again.. it looks like you are already in it. You don’t know?...we are telling you HERE!

*HOW FAR with life?…That should call for some deep reflection you know.
We can go all gun blazing attacking our problems from all angles with today's read but the truth is we can’t do this by our strength. It is why we end up coming back to the same HOW FAR questions with those same problems and challenges.

*Today, I pray that you will be able to access fully the GRACE of God which abound to all, that as he equips you, you will be able to  excel and flourish just as he predestined before time. Can you open yourself to this at every stage of your life. (I cor. 15:10, Isaiah 43:18-19, 2Cor. 12:9)*

*SO I SAY: HOW FAR with God?…. Another powerful one to meditate on. For that is where all the needed Strength to make it comes from.*

Tuesday, 14 May 2019


Monday, 13 May 2019


For someone like me, who loves to write, going off all this while has been good and bad. Hey, Good morning and great to be back to serve you with your All Round devotional- ON THIS MORNING.

This is the special or what i call the Deluxe edition owing to the fact that we have the book * On This Morning 2019(The Next Up)* out on Amazon and in hard copies as well(contact for copies)

We say it is Deluxe/Special because these are additional messages we are adding to the main devotional and so it won't be as frequent as it used to be. However, i assure you the content will continue to WOW you as usual(maybe than the book itself)

The theme for this edition is FLOURISH'19. To Flourish is to *grow, thrive, prosper, do well, develop, burgeon, increase, multiply, proliferate;
spring up..
Beloved, this is who and what God has made us (Christians) and especially this year which is a message he laid on my heart to share with you late last year.

Let's round off with these verses:
*Your beginning will seem so small, since your future will flourish.(Job. 8:9)
*In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. (Psalm 72:7)
* And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”(Ezek.47:12)

SO  I SAY: *You have the Capacity to Flourish...You are made to Flourish... Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.(3 John 1:2)*



Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Overcomer Teaser Trailer

The Heart of Overcomer

WAR ROOM Red Carpet: Cast