Sunday, 2 June 2019

*Our Weakness, His Strength*

_A group of young ones I interacted with shared these traits and principles with me- Disciplined, Determined, Just, Strong-willed, Lively and Carefree._

_One confessed -“These are some of the personal attributes and principles we live by yet we can attest to the many times we have failed at it. I used to think I was strong-willed until something little I thought could never break me did._

_Sometimes, what we consider our strengths tend to become our weaknesses. Our righteousness is indeed a filthy rag.” she ended_

  *_Therefore, whenever my weakness shows its strong weakening self, I know I can fall on this mantra of the Lord’s- Your Weakness...My Strength!!!_*

SO I SAY(on God's Behalf):
*Humans have always needed more than what is human in order to BE. Therefore, bask in this continual Exchange I give- ‘For your every weakness, I give you strength’.*

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