Thursday 13 April 2017

EASTER FUN' (A Fascinating & Alerting Poetic Piece)

Have fun...but let the CHRIST who died for you& is the reason for the season define the kind of FUN!


...But what does it mean?



(For in Ghana, it's just the best place to celebrate it.)



...But what is it all about???



(Eei, Is it a film or what?)

Interesting Indeed!

First, a virgin birth-one that was unexpected and very pitiful.

Humanly, without any honour yet full of purity & grace.

Then, the 30+3 ages of his  life already foretold.

There were Temptations, The Gospel Message, Miracles and healings.

On top of it all, he had FUN... Remember, the first miracle at the wedding (Turning water to wine)

Then, it was left with one pivotal happening. …

 ..."He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

Disgraceful yet Decisive.

Yes he died, ooh he died...He's dea...but by the 3rd day count...HE ROSE AGAIN!!!


Reflect on his Love!

Open your Heart!!

Live to please HIM!!!

....&&& HAVE FUN!

The question remains- WHAT KIND OF FUN???

Having done all these for you & dwelling richly in you

Look within...Ask him...

"Hey Redeemer, so what kind of fun???"

Then, he'll gladly answer:

"This Fun👍🏻& not that Fun👎🏻"  (YOU ARE TO KNOW!)

  • Kwahu is a town in the Eastern Part(region) of Ghana and have almost become equated with the celebration of the Easter festivities.
  • 'Yesu Amanehunu' is in twi , a predominant local language in Ghana belonging to the Akan tribe which simply means 'The Suffering of Christ'

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