Tuesday, 3 July 2018

*Being dIFfErEnt...*

5-Year Anniv.🌻🙌🏻)

_“Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”_
_“Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds._

_Dare to Be Different!..You've got to Stand out!,..Don't follow the Crowd... Be Unique... Be Different!_

So I'm sure we have heard a lot of motivational  Speeches, Sermons &talks on *Being Different*

This evening  just the below is what God has laid on my heart to tell you about this so admirable Subject- _Being Different._

Lot chose the other path instead of joining his uncle Abram(Abraham)  to stay on the same big land which God had promised will flourish through Abraham.

Lot within the short span of following his uncle had become big with lots of possessions.And so just when the friction ensued between their flocks, he pounced on that&decided to go on his own way leading him to the dreadful Sodom country.(All in Gen.13)

*Sometimes, Being Different means choosing the same old normal path &being different in it.*

Of course, Sometimes Being Different is not doing what everyone else is doing *but it is doing what God wants you to do.*

Beloved, *Don't be Different just to be Different. Be different because the Difference is needed.*

Mostly,i see a lot of people mostly upcoming &youthful who are bent on being different or 'special' when clearly there is NO NEED TO.

Mostly, this happens when we indelibly tag ourselves as being different&it must be by our own unique ways (some unseen pride 'bi' in there),gain certain status or some riches begin to flow in; we begin to think and want to do things differently like Lot without...

First,Examining ourselves to see if indeed that is what God wanted us to do.

I am in no way stifling anyone's initiative or creativity...I won't even be the last person as I was a culprit of what I am talking about now.

Bear in mind, God  loves creativity,style,uniqueness, elegance,variety,DIFFERENCE.And so he created us differently with...👇
_Romans 12:6-8 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well...._
_1 Peter 4:10-11- God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another._👈🏻

In a world full of darkness, God wants us to be the difference by being the Light that illuminates for all to see his Goodness, Faithfulness&Glory.

*It is not the 'Nkyekyeho no' or self  image... If there is any feel good factor or glory as it seems, it is the just the other things  he adds on to us.* *TAKE NOTE!*


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