Friday, 21 February 2020

*Otuosquotes from TheEncounter* Message

*Otuosquotes from AvailYourself* Message

*Otuosquotes from 1&99* Message

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Hello, My Significant Other... (Vals Special Edition)

Hello, My Significant Other, no doubt we are two sexually active people. No doubt, we love God& in respect of him have decided not to be ‘lovi dovi’ till we’re married. However, in recent times…okay, so if ever try to start anything funny because of a certain love day, do not hesitate to remind me of our commitment and I will gladly listen. Better still, If I sneakily try to move my hand around your thighs, do not even think of it…slap me!… it would bring me to my senses neutralizing the burning passion. For so should our lives be till… 

click for more details ...

*…Tame Your Tongue”*

“All kinds of animals...are being tamed&have been tamed by man but no man can tame the tongue”Jam. 3:7_
James speaks a profound truth by drawing our attention to an organ in the human body that can easily be underestimated yet so powerful-The Tongue. The thought of ‘oh so could those words come from such a person’, speaks it all. The visible tongue bringing out the intent of man can damage all that one has built for years. 

Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.(v.5)_

And so we are able to tame all those animals even the wildest but sometimes our greatest defeat comes from our inability to control that ‘reddish thing.’👅

To tame is to train, cultivate, discipline, enslave or to make not dangerous. Of course, James himself says no man can tame the tongue. So who can?-God, through his Holy Spirit.  *How?...Through letting us know who we are as children of God-A new creature.  

*How does this new creature behave in an old body/mind?...By continually renewing and transforming it through his Word which says let your conversations be full of grace, seasoned with salt at all times. (Col. 4:6)

*The last which is key in the taming process is to continually live in the CONSCIOUSNESS of your status as Christ's Rep. here... which means  allowing his Spirit to lead you to know what, where, when and how to say it. Gradual it is, but it's  only sure way to get us to that point  where certain words can't fall even when we want to. #Tamed #YourLife #Thereof

Beloved, we live in an era where a lot of our declarations have not only destroyed our relationships with one another but even delayed our blessings, made us stagnant or even rained curses upon our lives. Basically, it has given the devil a footstool in derailing God’s plans and purposes for our lives.

Our tongues/words are to speak life, positivity, proclaim blessings and glorify our maker. Get this and live in that Consciousness.
*SO I SAY: Let the Holy Spirit Tame Your Tongue.*


Are you scheduling time to be with God? What time of day do you meet with Him?

Do you honor yours?... HeIsAlwayswaiting.... #HeIsAlwaysOnTime

#AppointmentwithGod... #More... #OnThisMorning #OTM

*QUESTIONS (1)- God&Understanding Him*

Questions is where we ask simple, relevant, teasing yet interesting questions for you to ponder &draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.  The Questions, on the title now:
*_God?...In what way do you think of him?_

*How is your relationship with God like?_

*How have you sought to understand this unpredictable and unseen God we so believe and have faith in?_

*Are there countless times you thought you ‘fairly knew’ and understood him and something (minute) happened and then…?_

*Has or does your trust get shaken sometimes no matter the devoted or staunch Christian you are?_

*What conclusion have you come to about God and Understanding all about him?_    
  And so this:

*What do you think when Heb.11:3says “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible”?_

*Do you agree to this- That we all believe God can do all things yet he still confounds us every time he does it?_

*Do you believe whatever he does is good and perfect even though we don’t understand it all about him?(James 1:17)_

* How about in Psalm 119:73- “Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands”? ... and in Eccl 11:5, when he also says “As you do not understand…how the body is formed so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things?”_

*Do you then agree we can’t know it all about him but he makes us know enough to live that Glorious and fulfilling life all to please him?_

*SO I SAY: This is QUESTIONS (1)…God& Understanding Him.* (Job,36:26) 

QUOTE: Let’s continue to ask all the ‘Whats&Hows’, for I believe asking questions is the cheapest, simplest and the best way to know and develop ourselves- Otuosquotes