Thursday, 20 February 2020

*QUESTIONS (1)- God&Understanding Him*

Questions is where we ask simple, relevant, teasing yet interesting questions for you to ponder &draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.  The Questions, on the title now:
*_God?...In what way do you think of him?_

*How is your relationship with God like?_

*How have you sought to understand this unpredictable and unseen God we so believe and have faith in?_

*Are there countless times you thought you ‘fairly knew’ and understood him and something (minute) happened and then…?_

*Has or does your trust get shaken sometimes no matter the devoted or staunch Christian you are?_

*What conclusion have you come to about God and Understanding all about him?_    
  And so this:

*What do you think when Heb.11:3says “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible”?_

*Do you agree to this- That we all believe God can do all things yet he still confounds us every time he does it?_

*Do you believe whatever he does is good and perfect even though we don’t understand it all about him?(James 1:17)_

* How about in Psalm 119:73- “Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands”? ... and in Eccl 11:5, when he also says “As you do not understand…how the body is formed so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things?”_

*Do you then agree we can’t know it all about him but he makes us know enough to live that Glorious and fulfilling life all to please him?_

*SO I SAY: This is QUESTIONS (1)…God& Understanding Him.* (Job,36:26) 

QUOTE: Let’s continue to ask all the ‘Whats&Hows’, for I believe asking questions is the cheapest, simplest and the best way to know and develop ourselves- Otuosquotes

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