Monday 22 February 2016


You know ‘sometimes’ I marvel at the way God does his things ooo. Well, I use ‘sometimes’ just as a matter of saying because we know he surprises us ALL THE TIME.

Sometimes, you clearly know this is how God deals with you yet he still surprises us every time he does it.
Again, we all believe God can do all things yet he still confounds us with even the commonest ones.

With these happenings, I only stop, sit, savour and say  ‘EEEI, THIS UNPREDICTABLE GOD NONO’.

Then, I can say for sure that there is one thing I can predict about him and that is his unpredictability.

Let's just go to his manual then,the Bible for it is pregnant with a lot of his unpredictable ways.
We look at 5 ways of God’s unpredictable ways thou there are countless of them that only seem outlandish and even abnormal.

However, to God this is part of his usual and he wants us to trust him every step of the way.( Remember, EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT COMES FROM HIM. (James 1:17)

Let’s start with the first book of the Bible, Genesis 12 and go to our Great Great Great Grandfather Abraham.The man God associated his great name with(THE GOD OF ABRAHAM) 

Abraham was living 'sooo' peacefully and modestly in his father’s house when all of a sudden God told him that i have chosen you and we‘ll make you great (FATHER OF ALL NATIONS).

That was understandable but not this way. To do this, God told him ”Leave your country, your people, your father’s household and go to the place I will show you.” 

Imagine your father calls you in Accra to move to your new MANSION in Kumasi but fails to provide you with any direction. He only tells you to come and he’ll show you a way to the mansion.'You just prepare and come' he says.(Amazingly, he has the direction so why not simply give it?... hmmm) 

Let’s go to the new testament  and to Mark 8:22-26 where Jesus healed a blind man using SALIVA. Certainly, that is quite unorthodox . ‘Saliva paaaa… eeeei Jesus ..hmmm’

I’m looking at the numerous Jesus miracles and this one can be a stand out in terms of  its unorthodox& unpredictable nature.
 He could have just declared or touched him as he normally does. Mind you, he is JESUS but he...(Read the full passage and tell me if it wasn't odd and if you could have predicted.)

Another from the old Testament account of his unpredictable nature is in 2 Chronicles. 20. This is when three (3) strong nations unprovoked(unprovoked oo) joined forces to fight Israel. King Jehoshaphat, Israel’s king  cried unto God for victory against their enemies.

Of course, our faithful God heard him and gave them victory.However, the HOW is what is shocking and couldn’t have been predicted. 
As he had been doing it was expected the Lord will lead them to deal with their enemy as he normally through his known vessels but simply he just used SONGS OF PRAISE. 

The surprising thing was that when they sang, God caused their enemies to attack themselves..yes one after the other till they all died.

Again, you wonder when it got to the last person, who killed him/her?  Was it God himself?

Hmmmm...these clearly speaks of his mighty&unpredictable nature. 

Join me tomorrow for Part 2 of  two other unpredictable situations of God.


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