Friday 19 February 2016


The Bible passage above?... Of course, I’ve heard and read it on quite countless occasions.

Reading it again, I thought it was going to be the usual-The ways of God are not our ways and all that.
Anyway, let me give MY recount to you thou I know you have heard or read it before.

"Jesus loved Lazarus very much. It was not only him but his two sisters, Martha and Mary(the one who had poured perfume on Jesus)
 Lazarus fell ill and so as concerned as the sisters were; they told someone to inform Jesus as they expected a speedy response. 

More so, since their Jesus was on that healing & miracle working spree, he was just going to pull a fast one on his beloved.(Lazarus)
However, Jesus unbelievably chose to delay and amazingly go about his normal duties until when he was ready.
By this time, 'Alea iacta est' that's latin meaning 'the die had already been cast'

For the readers of this passage, we were all at sea with what Jesus did but what calmed us down giving us illumination into the situation was:
John 11:4 ‘This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for the God’s glory so that the son of man may be glorified through it"

Now, expectedly with this passage, we are to talk about God’s timing and his purpose and all that. Not today for this is where the message starts for me. 

Jesus was dear to Lazarus’ family and so if not for anything they looked forward to at least seeing him even if Lazarus will die. (I’m sure we can all attest to this in extremely trying times when upon all the people present that one person is so expected just because of the relationship.)

Jesus could readily feel the mournful state of the town(Bethany) and many had come to COMFORT the family. Jesus empathized, showed some affection and later wept to show his comfort.
This was not after some innocent reprimand/blame game from Martha who had come to see him before he entered their house. 

Mary stayed indoors perhaps thinking what’s the use of his coming. Jesus reassured them of the miracle to happen but as we would have all done; they interpreted his Lazarus resurrection statement otherwise and eventually doubted what it actually meant’

Beloved, we could see that Mary and Martha had resigned to their fate. They had lost their brother. He could never come back. ALL THEY NEEDED was that comfort, love, affection, a shoulder to cry on…THE PRESENCE OF A DEAR ONE. 

I’m sure we all agree Jesus' situation here is part of those extraordinary ones. Now, in addition to Jesus presence, comfort, they got Lazarus back(that was a bonus & it was for a purpose) 

However, ordinarily, you and I know it rarely happens so.When we lose someone or are going through a turbulent storm; mostly, WHAT WE NEED is the presence and comfort of a dear one. 

Even after wishing to be alone and having some ‘me’ time, you then crave for some comfort and someone to share it with.
It won’t bring the lost person back or wipe out what actually happened. Sometimes, it may even be seen as insignificant&irrelevant.

Conversely, it gradually turns out to be the best healing,miracle& recuperative process the person had ever needed. (Try& leave such people to their fate and you’ll see how easily they will fall off or die)

I perfectly agree when it is called the GIFT OF ENCOURAGEMENT or PRESENCE (gifts of the Holy Spirit in Rom. 12:8)

Jesus knows that not all will rise again. Also, he won't be there to raise again another Lazarus.(How often did he do that?)

More so, how often do we see such miracles now? Not to say it is impossible to happen.That is why aside showing this gift ,he continues to give it through you by compassionately being there for another.


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