Tuesday 23 February 2016


We continue with the above title. Yes, HE IS  AN UNPREDICTABLE GOD ooo.

Let’s go for our 'intro' once again:
You know ‘sometimes’ I marvel at the way God does his things ooo.

Well, I use ‘sometimes’ just as a matter of saying because we know he surprises us ALL THE TIME.

Sometimes, you clearly know this is how God deals with you yet he still surprises us every time he does it.

Again, we all believe God can do all things yet he still confounds us even the commonest ones.

With these happenings, I only stop, sit, savour and say ‘EEEI, THIS UNPREDICTABLE GOD NONO’.

Then, I can say for sure that there is one thing I can predict about him and that is his unpredictability.

So, join me as we tell him, Lord take the wheel as we ride along along.

We said we are looking at five(5) unpredictable situations of our God.

We looked at three (3)of them yesterday. Let’s wrap it up with the two(2):

The book of first and second Samuel present us with various ENQUIRIES made unto GOD by David  whenever he was going to war.Mostly, it was against the Philistines.In seeking God's direction in all these, God served him with different answers.

The striking one is the one in 2 Sam.5:17-35.
On one breath, God told David&his troops to go up against the Philistines for he will give them victory, WHICH HE DID.

The Philistines went back &came again yet this time God told them you shall not go up but circle around behind them&attack them in front.They did that&God gave them victory. 

Couldn't it have been the same but this time it was just a U-turn from the philistines. Surely, this makes you wonder at this UNPREDICTABLE GOD.

Let’s end with the mighty one(JESUS CHRIST...Luke 1).

We know this story right? It is amazing how God sent his son to the world in a very ordinary yet the strangest of fashions.

First, God made it that his begotten son’s birth won’t be by human descent, breaking the natural order of the normal fertilization process.This meant that the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary for our savior to be born. The strangest of them which is still a wonder today.(Does that mean the Holy Spirit himself impregnated Mary?...Just kidding there)

This meant that Joseph was just made to represent something as Mary was turned into an ordinary container or carrier.

 He was born in a manger, lived  a very simple,ordinary life and in the end died a shameful death but all for our good.It was the perfect master plan that only permeated among the triune God. The devil I am sure still marvels at that.


Beloved, this is THE UNPREDICTABLE GOD we serve. Just take this He's UNPREDICTABLE. The day he will be predictable, then he'll cease to be GOD.


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