Friday 30 March 2018

*EASTER TREAT(1)...Can we do same?*

This is my simple Easter Treat(1). It is a simple Easter message.

So some 2 years ago, i planned on doing this simple message thing... couldn't do it last year. Thank God it is here this year...

*_Jesus Took our Pain, Born our suffering ..And so he died for You...Such an Unconditional Love.😊_*

So, You want to know What this Love...this unconditional love is?😊

*_This is how we know how Love is. Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters._*(1John 3:16)

*Can we?...Is it Possible especially in a world today?...My SimpleAnswer is only in this- Let's make time this season to really Reflect on this Love for then we know it is ever possible😉...ooh Yeah it is possible😁💪🏻🙌🏻🙏*

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