Friday 9 March 2018

*OUR CLOTHES*(Part 2) (Col. 3:12-14)

Hello Christian, I know you have your  clothes on😉 but let me ask again- Do you have your clothes on today?

_Colossians 3:12-15 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, *clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.*... Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on *love*, which binds them all together in perfect unity._

Yesterday, we looked at these virtues which the bible figuratively describes as clothes to put on perpetually.

We continue with:
*Gentleness*: It also means meekness.
*And please we are not* looking at the human/dictionary definition which is Excessive submission, prepared to obey unquestionably, naive et al. This is bad &should not be encouraged.

- It is rather an attitude that should be expressed to God only. i.e An attitude of total trust to God without disputing or resisting even if one disagrees.
-An attitude of accepting whatever God does as good&perfect.
-An attitude of wholly yielding your will to God and letting his, reign supreme.
Read more-

God wants us to wear this clothe of Gentleness in our christian life & not what it literally means.

*Patience*- As always in the heat of the moment,we forget this clothing- Patience. It has never been easy to exercise &we always see its need after it all unwinds.

Then, we keep saying-If only we had been a little patient,things won't have...Yes, it is an attitude we build but you realise that it is not just a physical attribute but requires the help of the Holy Spirit. I pray God helps us to exercise that wait, to control self,Be Patient at every step of our walk with him.

*Bear with Each other:* Tolerance is very key. People&Things of this life are not the same.We all don't have one belief&even when we have, bearing with one another is even more needed.

We don't have to always agree but we must respect one another for who we are. From there, if any change would come, that is where it would start&can sink in. Rom.12:17 Sums it up _If possible, so far as, it depends on you, be at peace with all men._

*Forgive:* As always, taking it from the end explains it better. After weeks,months,years&you are still holding on to 'that'-Pain, bitterness which leads you on&on...Is it doing you any good.Ask yourself?...Beloved, it is not worth it!... Especially when you are not at fault.

It is why he has given us the ministry of reconciliation. I believe God has enabled us to forgive no matter the gravity&pain. It can be an attitude...Very possible. Always see it from this angle.

*LOVE- And on top of it all,when it all proves difficult, let Love prevail because *Love is not a virtue but GOD himself* (I Jn.4:8) He lives in you&enables you to love your neighbour as yourself exhibiting the above virtues.

*Compassion,kindness, humility, Gentleness, Patience,Bearing with each other, Forgiveness... They are our clothes, Christians...Always wear them!*

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