Friday, 24 August 2018


(5-Year Anniv.🌻🙌🏻)

Inching close to ending this series & I like the sub title- *The General*😃

So we live in a world not just with close intimate people but  with people from all walks of life.

The truth is sometimes our many intercourse with such people may even take many rounds than our friendship lovemaking with our close people.😉

The truth is not all the important things we need in life can be obtained from people we term as Close people.

Another Truth is that there was a reason God put us in this basket of Life where we are bound to come across each other.

This simple reason is shown in *Rom.12:12- One Body, Many Parts.* We are to see ourselves as one people in Christ, supporting&complimenting one another to build that one body unit in Christ.

What underpins this is or should be- *LOVE*-Remember, all the laws have all been summed up into-Love God& *Love your Neighbour( which is General) as yourself*

So, Now this:
_How come almost all your associations&interactions are terribly bad& you know it is mostly your undoing..Admit it!_

_How come everyone's report about you is bad as they overtly&covertly forewarn the new ones who try to get close to you_

_How come you look back and you can't find even one person within those brackets to rely on in time of need...well,unless you fake something up_

_How come you don't seem to care about the many toes you step on...all that matters is to get there..Get there& i bet you will see the nothingness of them all...Relationship!_

_How come with all your talent,giftings,skills,attributes you only seem to be hanging in there & not as successful as should...Check...maybe Your Relationship?_

_How come?...have you sat down to think about it...That genuinely the many that surround you only seem to be containing you perhaps because of what thy will get&truly not people to rely on_

Beloved, it is high time we cared about our Relationships whether Close or  General.

It may interest you to know that God is interested in our relations with others. Sadly, we are quietly losing many in the faith because of our  stinking (human) Relationships.

God is telling you that he wants to win the many dying souls whether within &without also through this. Take Note!

_Remember, even with God, the more we stay away from our Personal Relationship with him,the more we lose him._

*All we are Saying with all these is that RELATIONSHIP is EVERYTHING Close or General.. Never TOY with it*

(Let's end the series with some quotes tomorrow)

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