Tuesday 1 March 2016


(Exodus 9:16, Jeremiah 3:12, Deuteronomy 32:3, 2 Timothy 4:2-5)

 Yesterday, we looked at the above title. The Part 2 is here.  I'm sure  by now you know that noone can stop you from PROCLAIMING THE WORD TO SURPRISE THE WORLD.

So today let me tell you some of the real life practical ways God has used people to surprise the world with the proclamation of his Word.

 My daily bread on October 7, 2015, called it PUBLIC PRAISE. This is what happened:

"Made into a YouTube video, a local opera company intentionally planted  their singers in strategic places in a Mall's Food Court.They were to interrupt the lives of  ordinary day to day shoppers  by singing to proclaim CHRIST.  They sang a simple Halleluyah chorus and to their surprise it caught up  with everyone."

 That was a small simple creative packaging of God's Word. Just to think that it saved a life or  betterstill it drew someone closer to God.

Another personal one is a sketch series i have which is still ongoing and hope to share in detail with you soon. It is called THE DISCUSSION SERIES. It is in  SITUATIONS( deviating  a little from  your normal  Parts, Seasons&Chapters).  I  use the normal, trivial day to day discussions we have that is mostly overlooked and reflect it back to you.

 Basically, this is to draw our attention to the fact that, that same unsavoury,seemingly irrelevant discussion could equally have been used to draw someone to Christ if you had proclaimed just that WORD.

 " In Situation 1 of the series,  a group of friends were having a fruitless, unwholesome discussion awaiting their highly audacious talk kingpin to come and fun the flame. Not knowing she had changed, she came quietly to sit down ignoring all the usual fans. Her only words were  'SO WOULD YOU TALK ABOUT CHRIST THIS WAY' and then she walked off."

Personally, i had forgotten about it and its huge impact until someone from another church who was at our  Teens Chapel of my church(Trinity Baptist Church, Patasi Kumasi) then came back to talk about it.


Beloved, there are plentiful ways by which God gifts us to PROCLAIM HIS WORLD SURPRISING THE WORLD. Aside the ever unwavering traditional modes of spreading the word which we know; we can add or employ these creative ways as well especially in this modern era. that is, Drama, Choreography, Sketch, Poetry and such.
( They catch a lot..  I mean they are really fishers of men as Jesus said.... ooh you still don't get, they also win souls 'paaa')

 The only danger is its vulnerability to go outside of God's Word. However, if it is only from God it never will. Therefore, be in tune with his spirit and you will know which is which.

Let's then SURPRISE THE WORLD  more and more whether by accidentally interjecting or creatively PROCLAIMING THE WORD just to win souls for him.  THINK OF THAT ALL THE TIME.



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