Thursday 3 March 2016

'SUA ME...LEARN FROM ME' (PART 1)(1 COR.4:10-17, 11:1)

Sua me!... Learn from me! Yes, youu.So what if you learn from me?...'3nti wo sua me a, na ay3 d3n?' (Just kidding here)

Let's get into today's message and you'll understand better. First, two(2) teaser situations of what to expect.

'Hw3 sua me ooo, na s3 me de3... Look, you better learn from me ooo, you know that as for me...'

'Nipa de3 ade3 wo obi ho na 3y3 a,na w'asua ...As humans, if there is anything good about another, it's good you learn.

Today, I do another Twi title. I know i seem to be going that line these days. '3ny3 me's not me ooo.'
(I do this as led)
Also, forgive me, those who are not too conversant with Twi. It's not because I won't translate since I've always done that but because I would be using a lot of it today.

( Anyway, Twi is generally the predominant Ghanaian language belonging to the Akan tribe)

So let's go for the details now:

" Hw3 mede3 Sua me oo. Na s3 me de3 obiara nim s3 me dwo, me bu ade3,me p3 Nipa, me ny3 basabasa. Wo sua me a,3b3 boa wo ankasa"
(This literally means Hey, you better Learn from me oo.As for me, Everybody knows I'm calm, respectful, friendly and not a bad person. If you learn from me, it will really
help you. )


Let's look at another similar scenario:
"Tie me wate. 3ny3 s3 me de3 me tene na 3mom y3 sua sua y3n ho. Ad3n nti na wa ma  abufuo ahy3 wo so saa. Aden nti na wo nsua wei nfiri me ho..."
(Please listen to me very well.  It's not to say I'm perfect in every sense but we learn from one another.
So, why have you allowed anger to control you.  Why don't you learn this from me...)

Beloved,  in both scenarios, both advisers are saying 'SUA ME'(Learn from me) but clearly there is a difference(I hope I'm not the only one to see this)

The difference is the motive behind it and the manner it's said. 

A tip there. I end PART 1 leaving you to strike out the major differences as well as lessons to draw out.
We continue tomorrow with PART 2.

In I Corinthians 11:1, Paul says' Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.OR 'Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.'


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