Saturday, 5 May 2018

CONTROVERSIAL QUOTES*- *Controversial Controversies

(5-Year Anniv.🌻🙌🏻)*

We are still Standing on the Controversial turf trying to whip up anything Controversy.😎

Thanks for the feedback...You..Yes You..Grateful as always.

Check out these and let's continue talking. *This is Controversial Controveries.*

The Quotes now:
*If an individual wants to be a leader and isn't controversial, that means he never stood for anything.-Richard M. Nixon*

*Everything I say has ended up to be a controversy, but that is how it should be. A politician who doesn’t generate controversy is a dull politician, and that is not an interesting politics-Prez Akufo Addo(GH 60 years on Speech on who founded Ghana)*

*Nothing is too controversial, but you have to think about how to do it with sensitivity. I don't try to be insensitive. I think really, really carefully about exactly what things mean and how they will affect people.-Stewart Lee*

*If you have to say or do something controversial, aim so that people will hate that they love it and not love that they hate it.- Criss Jami*

*“Controversial' as we all know, is often a euphemism for 'interesting and intelligent.- Kevin Smith*

*I'll never tell a lie. I'll never make a misleading statement. I'll never betray the confidence that any of you had in me. And I'll never avoid a controversial issue.-Jimmy Carter*

*I have discovered with advancing years that few things are entirely black or white, but more often different shades of grey.-Jeffrey Archer*

*At first, they'll only dislike what you say, but the more correct you start sounding the more they'll dislike you.-Criss Jami*

*I think if I'm controversial it's not because I set out to be. It's because I've never felt comfortable being part of someone else's mainstream community.-*

*I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”-(1 Timothy 2:12)*

*I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.-Mahatma Gandhi*

*Don't judge a man by his controversies. Anyone could find him or herself dealing with issues. What matters is how they deal with it.-Constance Chuks*

*Jesus said:Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.For I have come to turn "`a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'-Matt 10:34-36*

*People who always want to be at convenient places won’t make a change at controversial places-Israelmore Ayivor*

*There's a fine balance between too much controversy and just enough...Controversy, then, is the proverbial double-edged sword. While a little garners attention, too much can hurt, and it may not be the type of attention most people or brands want."-Berger*

*Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.” –Prez Trump(& Too much Controversy😜)*

*So Controversy koraa, is it good,bad or is it the extreme of it or how one reacts to it???... Controversial Controversies...Air your views ee na these quotes de3..😀😎*

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