Tuesday 6 September 2016

'ISN'T IT BORING?'(Rev. 4, Josh. 1:8)

We all don't like boring stuff. Do we???
I mean what is interesting about a boring something especially when it's the same thing, done repeatedly&almost the same way. 

Music, Games, Movies,Dinner nights& such are all things that are innately fun&easy to roll with.(even the strictest of persons is caught up somewhere)


That leads me to these  Basics in the Bible. Tell me if the following are or can't be described as boring.

*Reading and studying the word of God. Thus,ensuring that the word never departs from your mouth but meditate DAY&NIGHT (Joshua 1:8)
 So the same old Bible to be read over&over in  almost the same way. ISN'T IT BORING?

*Prayer.Isn't it another? 1Thess 5:17 says-Pray without ceasing. Hmmm.

Beloved, Finding out who we are &what we are wired to do is the answer to this seemingly believable question- IS IT BORING? 

I don't think so anymore. I think about why God created us... for PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP. 

This is something to be developed. As we continually do the above, we find out we are doing what we were originally designed to do. (TO GLORIFY GOD)

It then becomes as sweet as a honeycomb aside all the key benefits they give us which mostly are the reasons we do them.

Most importantly, I ask the question IS IT BORING? because in Rev. 4, we will be doing what the heavenly beings never stop saying DAY&NIGHT- "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’who was, and is,and is to come.”

Will it be boring to say the same words over and over?...Not WHEN YOU'RE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ONE YOU LOVE.

Always know that we are created for Personal Relationship... all to his Glory. 


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