Friday, 29 December 2017


Hello Wonderful people in the Lord,Still in the Christmas mood?..Hope it has been wonderful with *Christ still at the Center*
Also,as our God ushers us into another 365days,the *ON THIS MORNING team here* prays for this- *A Year of Purpose& Fulfilment with full reliance on God's Grace.*

*May he order your every step&be your Refuge even in your darkest storm&when you want to give up. IT WILL HAPPEN!...IT IS DONE!...HAVE FAITH(Believe+Action)*

Well,for today,it is all about my usual end of year *'Thank-yous'* as i take my usual  *BREAK* to bounce back next year.

As i've teased you up on my many platforms,watch out for the *NEXT UP* with *ON THIS MORNING* next year.☺

So for this year,we bounced back somewhere in September after announcing our facebook presence  in June.Thanks for the many who communicated in diverse ways to find out&encourage us.

I also 'wonna' say Thank you all for your Love,Support,Encouragement,Criticisms,Feedback,Reminders&Testimonies.Indeed,God has been Good.

However, i  got to do these *Key mentions*. They have been tremendous.
_On Whatsapp:_
* *Maa Emy(Support&Reminder)*
* *Mame(My Rock in this)*
* *Magdalene(All you do...Just Too much oo☺)*
* *Ama(Joined Recently...)*
* *Eric(Feedback...sooooo☺)*
* *Randolf(Aww My Ran...Wonderful ee☺)*
* *Dennis-MySpecial(Abi you are my Speciallll so)*
* *Adelaide(Yeei your testimonies 'no')*
* *Serwaa(What else)*
* *Joana(Your Feedback?...So So Grateful wate☺)*
* *Osofo Frank(Your Uplifting Words...Just)*
* *McOfori Ian(Feedback...Soo wonderful☺)*
* *Rev. Asamoah(So Grateful☺)*

_On Facebook:_
*Kojo Esiedu(Been Great...Always Sharing..So supportive...Too much #Appreciate)

Gideon Quarshie(For the support&encouragement...Too much #Grateful),

Papa Richie(For the support..Thanks paa)

Martin Agyekum,(Like the titles as always...Appreciate the support)

Daniel Larbi(Been great as well.Thanks)

Naomi Yakubu(Wonderful here too)

,Kwesi Atonnaba(Supportive as well)

Gladys Adusei(Thanks to you too)

,Manual Johnson(Another Thank you as well)

Mwansa Mwanakaoma (Remember my message dearly loved like a new born baby...#Appreciate)

Sundy (Appreciate all the support) Maa Rosemary (Grateful for checking up and the support)

_Twitter:_ To you all- for the favourites,retweets&support.

*Susan Suehr,Palma Michel,Adjei Ernest Atta, Mumbles&things,jmettle,Quotesomuch.*

May God bless you all. Thank you for allowing God to speak through me to you. *#BLESSINGS*


Wednesday, 27 December 2017


Of course,this is where we ask simple,relevant,teasing yet interesting 'questions' for you to ponder&draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.

Merry Christmas to you as you celebrate. However,
for the *ON THIS MORNING team here*,we help you reflect on the year&what to expect as you lift your head up to the coming year.
The Questions Now:
*How was your Year?...How would you describe it??*

*Did you have a plan for the year?*

*If you didn't have a plan,how did you go through the year...Has it been the norm?...*

Continuing... *Is it that anything goes?...Is that the way to go because we always plan& even the best plans fail?*

Then This- *How strong or involving was God in all your affairs,plans&Life in general?*

*So what were your plans if you had?...Were they achieved?...What were the obstacles, challenges& difficulties?*

*Were the difficulties due to your own actions/inactions or they just had to come ?...How was your Response?*

*Do you do introspection(Assess,Evaluate) from time to time with your life?...OR Do you always wait for something to happen before you do this?*

*What are you holding on to... Are you going to forgive or reconcile because it is the year end& there say we are all to start the new year anew?*

*Is that the approach or will that be the approach for things in your life every year?*

*So what is your mentality going into 2018?*

*Did you only see the bad in the year...was it all about the negatives?*

*What are the lessons,positives,negatives,motivations going into the next year?*

*As you look back,is there not a great cause to be grateful to God&forever trust in him no matter what?*

*As you daily commit yourself into God's hands,What about a daily to do list to guide you for the day?*

*What about starting or having a daily review/evaluation of your life at the end of the day?*

*As you do this-What about  checking those habits,friends,irrational decisions&the many others?*

*How committed were you to that course,group,work?...Are you going to do same,change your ways or commit more to them?....Perhaps a new idea will do or need to reshape the old plan?*

Beloved,these are questions God laid on my heart to ask you as we prepare to crossover from '17 to '18.

Don't let anyone tell you that Serving God,committing to him,making plans or resolutions(daily,monthly,yearly) is bad.

Why don't you use your own ways,be smart&other 'ways'?... After all,we make them every year&nothing happens pointing to your current state.

Beloved,you are where you are NOW because God has brought you here. And this is because you decided to commit your life,your 'faulty' plans &all to him.

Things don't just happen!...You don't just achieve it!... _*It still comes with a that should be authored,ordered& perfected by God only.*_

_*All you have to do is continue to open your heart,ask him to help you serve him  faithfully even as always rely on his ever available GRACE to start,do and achieve his purposes for your life.*_



Monday, 25 December 2017


Hello People,we thank God for how far he has brought us. *It is Christmas. Wishing you all a Joyous Christmas&a Fulfilling New Year.*

Today,let's do something from my ever dependable aid- *Our Daily Bread* Here we go with this powerful one:

_Approaching the first christmas after her husband died, our friend Davidene wrote a remarkable letter in which she pictured what it might have been like in heaven when Jesus was born on earth._

_"It was what God always knew would happen,"she wrote. "The three were one,and he had agreed to allow the fracturing of his precious unity for our sake. Heaven was left empty of God the son."_

_As Jesus taught and healed people on earth,he said, "I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me...For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and i will raise them up at the last day."(John 6:38,40)_

_When Jesus was born in Bethlehem,it was the beginning of his mission on earth to demonstrate God's love and give his life on the cross to free us from the penalty and power of sin._

_" I cannot imagine actually choosing to let go of the one i loved, with whom i was one, for the sake of anyone else,"_- Davidene concluded.
_"But God did. He faced a house much emptier than mine,so that i could live in his house with him forever."_

_"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son"(John 3:16)_

_The Birth of Christ brought God to man;the cross of Christ brings man to God._

_Father in heaven, we are in awe of your amazing love for us. Thank you for giving your only son to save us from our sins.��_

*Merry Christmas to you all*

Friday, 22 December 2017


This is where we ask simple,relevant,teasing yet interesting 'questions' for you to ponder&draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.

And of course,we do a Questions Christmas special during the season.The Questions now:

*Christmas...What is it to you?*

*What comes to mind when Christmas comes?*

*What do you do during this time?*

*Are you getting bored with Christmas& the usual stuff it brings?*

*Why is that?...Is it because of the same old message or the kind of modernised celebrations that ain't so much fun as before?*

*Christmas without Parties&Merrymaking...Is that one too a Christmas?*

*Which one take center-stage-The MerryMaking or  Christ,his birth&salvation Essence?*

*You?...Do you stop in all the fun to reflect on his Birth that have a lasting impact on your Life as a Christian?*

*What was your Best Christmas Ever OR  Is this year going to be the Best?*

*What do you want for Christmas???*

For me...All I want for Christmas is...(Okay,Answer the questions first)


Thursday, 21 December 2017

*What Are We(You) Having For Christmas?(2)*

We are still on the Christmas Special. _Thanks for the feedback.From that,it looks people are gearing up but would always want to leave it late ee_

*Reflections,Giving,Sharing,Togetherness/Bonding,Reunion&Time for fun &Merrymaking* are some of the elements that Christmas specially brings.

Above all, *The Love shown& the Life given us through his son though undeserving* are the key things he wants us to Remember,share&live out.

Then,hold on...Do you Remember:
_Those same messages about the same birth of Christ from the same Bible in use now.It made you reflect on the true meaning of this festive season aside all the real fun._

_The Reflections,its meaning&being at the year end made many decide to change...Sometimes it starts through revealing of family secrets at their gatherings or resurrecting of old wounds...In the end, is there a real change or..._

_That long awaited visit to see those Auntes,uncles,cousins&other family friends for that reason you had to behave. The journey itself was something to relish_

_Clad in their special Christmas wear,the car was spiced with a lot of christmas tunes,with the children enjoyably worrying their parents moving all over in the vehicle be it private or commercial.And there, we see many free up themselves,make new friends, opening up the golden door to help another in need._

_Then, for all the good reasons,you could make a fortune out of Christmas...A lot of goodies..People will be giving 'buronya ade3 saa' (gifts,cash..)...Santa was really in town..._ NOW???...Where are they?


_*The Question is still on-WHAT ARE WE (YOU) HAVING FOR CHRISTMAS?*_

*This God Looks at the Heart Thing 'Koraa'...*(Part 2)

It is here again& today i turn the heat on *_those fake God Looks at the heart people._*(Of course,they're not going to be spared)_

It must be said they can be very annoying esp. when they're truly faking it sparking this whole debate. _(Well,the difficult part is we shouldn't judge them since we ain't saints.)_

Last week, we looked at these ones:
*So,why do you JUST look at her&outrightly Judge/condemn her?*
Today,it is on those who are pulling this fake card using the biblical mantra- _'God Looks at the Heart'_

*Do you understand what it means to say God looks at the heart?...What is in your heart?...Is it pleasing to God?...Then,...honestly,...Your Life?*

Beloved,many hide behind this God looks at the heart thing-intentionally miscontrue it in order to live the  lives they've always wanted&
still want to call themselves christians. _(In Twi brief- Wo p3 wade3 ay3 a,wo se Awurade hw3 akoma mu)_

Yes,those who are in this are mostly 'christians' but do remember what God says in Rev. 3:16, For the lukewarm,he'll spit out of his mouth.

_Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.(Psalm 44:21)_

When the Lord told Samuel not to look at David's appearance&the height of his stature, for he(God) looks at the heart;it was basically because David had this heart:
*_A broken,contrite,pure&yearning that always sought God even in his worst state._
*_One that was not receptive or did not harbour those stuff that led to pain,bitterness&rancour_  * _One that was prepared to do God's will._(No wonder he was after God's heart)

Can you also say same about what is in your heart&the life it makes you live???
Can you  boldly stand before God&joyfully present your life to God&say Lord look at my heart,with all that is in it-I WORSHIP YOU!

Remember, in Jeremiah 17:10 _"I, the LORD, search the heart,I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways..._

*Stop deceiving yourself! Stop Faking it! Stop using it as an anthem!*
*I must say if you are frequently found of using this verse or been often accused of it or have to always use it as a point of defence;then check your life as a christian.(Something may be wrong someway.)*

_Proverbs 21:2 “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.”_
Always let the Lord weigh your heart& in this time his Holy Spirit convicts us all the time.

Considering how far you've gone,you may need this prayer of David in Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart,O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (GOD IS READY FOR YOU!)

*This God looks at the heart thing koraa...Stop faking it,Live the life!*

_(What are we(you) having for Christmas? this evening)_

Tuesday, 19 December 2017


*My Christmas Special* is here on your All Round Devotional.

Christmas is all about *Love,Giving,Sharing,Togetherness/Bonding,Reunion&Time for fun &Merrymaking.*

The Question is simple...isn't it?... _What are you(we) having for Christmas?_

But just before you answer that...Do you remember these:

_The planting of that Christmas Tree in your home or even that small neighbourhood where it was well decorated with gifts&presents with all those shiny bits. Then, there is sharing&wrapping of gifts. And most importantly, *we were told of what Christmas is all about aside the fun.* It was such an unforgettable time with family&the many others which has been with us till today._

_Those times when we won't have all the fun,partying&do the travels alone but mummy&daddy will *consciously* look out for someone who is in real need&'package' something worthwhile to give them. Something they treasure&go a long way to change their lives._

And i'm sure you remember your times with this one:
_The Promise to receive your Special Christmas Attire(Buronya Atade3) & be treated to those rare kind of foods(Jollof with chicken-Akok) nam)  just because of this special festive season?_(Not the same now right?)

And so there was always something to look forward to with Christmas.

Is there anything to look forward to now?...Has all the fun finished... _anigye3 no asa ohn?)_ Not to talk of what it really means.

And so there was something that Christmas made us do whether we really understood it,was fake or genuine.
This is where i believe we need to make this central in the theme: 
*_She will bear a son,and you shall call his name Jesus,for he will save his people from their sins_*

At the end of the day,this should be the basis of the celebration all the time.

(More to come...)

Monday, 18 December 2017


We conclude on this aspect of the series. _Be like a little child,Don't be like a little child._(Infants,Babies)
The part 1&2 looked at many reasons why _'To be like or Not To be like a little child._

We continue from there:
*Be Like a Little Child* In Matt. 11:25-26- _I praise you Father...because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned,and revealed them to *little children.*_
And in Matt.21:16-17- ....Jesus replied saying- _From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise._

Little ones right from our tradition have been said to *see things*. I guess these verses affirms or to put it right,it was revealed to them from above.

I don't doubt it because of once again the state of their heart-How delicate,pure,innocent,receptive they are. They are known to say the TRUTH&nothing else.(Of course before they are *practically* soiled with the sins of this world.)

And such a heart is what God seeks for.When Jesus spoke there,it wasn't just literally to the little ones. That if today you&i will have such a childlike heart,
these hidden vital mysteries shall be revealed unto us.

Remember,one of the things we need in this Life is *Revelation* &this is what it takes to.With such a life,our mouths will always be full of PRAISE. *Be Like a Little Child*

*Don't be Like a Little Child.*
In Hebrews 5:13-14
_Anyone who lives on milk,being still an infant,is not acquainted with teaching about righteousness...But Solid food is for mature,who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil._

I concentrate on Maturity.Our God brought each& everyone here for a particular purpose. One that can't be achieved by only sucking milk,crawling or attempting to walk.

In 1Peter 2:2,our God affords _newborn babies in Christ to crave for pure spiritual milk_... *And this is the important part*... _so that you may  *grow up* in your salvation._

Let's grow up beyond the 'physical' & mind of a child  but in heart&then grow in spirit towards achieving his purpose for making us. Life is all about achieving our Purpose.It only begins with a little child... *Don't be or remain like a little child in this*

In Matt 18.& Luke 17,Jesus says it _'it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied round his neck *than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin*_

I've seen&interacted with quite a number of people in my years of life. In this, *i've always loved &adored those whose behaviour shows that tender,pure&genuineness of HEART. (Such people are more than wonderful*)
Note this is entirely different from being gullible or immature like a little child.

In all, God wants us to be like a little child only in Heart with all its purity but does not want us to stay as immature&of little use like a little child.


Sunday, 17 December 2017


*Be like a little child,Don't be like a little child(Part 3)*

*This God looks at the heart thing 'koraa'(Part 2)*

*Questions(Part 9-Christmas Edition)*


_*What are we(you) having for Christmas???*_

All these coming up this week on your All Round Devotional-ON THIS MORNING/MESSAGE FOR THE EVENING.


Saturday, 16 December 2017


This evening on quotes enjoy these fun,interesting quotes which still speaks.

Here we go:
*Big mouths and small brains make the strangest noises-@Orrin_Woodward*

*It's Impossible" Said Pride*
*It's Risky" Said Experience*
*It's Pointless" Said Reason*
*It Can be done" Said Faith*
*Give it a Try" Whispered the Heart*-

*Why can't you sleep?...Is it because of the hardness of your bed,the witches in your family or that girl 'no'-@ProsperSerebour*

*Cast of Characters*
*I Won't is a Tramp,*
*I Can't is a Quitter*
*I Don't Know is Lazy*
*I Wish I Could is a Wisher*
*I Might is Waking up*
*I Will Try is on his Feet*
*I Can is on his Way*
*I Will is at Work*
*I Did is Now the Boss- Earl Cassel*

*Don't worry if you have built castles in the air.Now put the foundations under them.-Thoreau*

*Leave the past where it belongs-@Tweets2Motivate*

*Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. -Oscar Wilde*


Thursday, 14 December 2017

*THE THING WITH CLOSE PEOPLE(Pt.3-The Work/Professional Side)*_

I did *The thing with Close People(Pt.1&2)*- being family,friends,mentors,where we looked at how difficult it is to be straight&sincere with them&also to draw them to Christ.

The links to them:
*Part 1*
*Part 2*

I didn't plan to continue with Part 3 but with the help of my guide,it prompted me to  the work/professional side with close ones.How difficult?..easy? should it be?

In Gen.29:14-30,the story is told of Jacob who fled from home to be with his *Uncle*,Laban. He said- _Just because you are my relative,should you *work* for *nothing*,tell me what your wages will be?_
In place of that,Jacob opted for the younger Rachel to marry. *_Why will i not give her to you,a relative instead to another man_*
Jacob had to work another 7yrs because according to his *uncle* the older should marry first. *And so Jacob unduly did a double Job.*

Working for close people ha?...
It has always been seen as *not* advisable. Why?...they won't do it well, you can't say it. On the other hand,they are taken for granted with  compromises here&there.

It is BUSINESS& the essence of professionalism/doing the right thing is lost.

Again,like i dealt with in Pt.1&2,it all balls down to the relationship.It isn't just about the usual cordiality but truly how sincere &truthful will you be if as close as you are,you embark on a venture.

Should the money go elsewhere if your best friend,sibling,work &church member have the expertise &can do far better?

What's know each other well,you can easily make sacrifices together _like no salary in case of losses or crucial times. This, you won't get with an outsider.Plough back Profit all to make the business grow._

It would have been the best&most advisable if *we* will go with an open&pure mind eschewing all the negative,lacklutre&cheat mentality associated.

HOWEVER, *i am all for it* if because of certain familiarities,conflict of interest,mere uncomfortability,& poor relations, one can't work with close people.

Per our thinking,experience &the world we live in, it is still not advisable not to work with close/familiar people. Some people thrive well on that&for me if the relationship,certain understanding& above factors ain't right,then do it. _('M3 ni nii s3m',it is most painful,anyone would prefer an outsider)_

As Christians,will we allow *Familiarity to continue to breed Contempt*-Why don't we truncate it NOW. Why do a poor job,cheat,act unconcerned just because he is a close person. Shouldn't it be the other way round???...For those in it,LET'S BE THE CHANGE AGENTS NOW!
'Whatever you do,do it with all your heart as unto the Lord.(Col.3:23)


Wednesday, 13 December 2017

*This God Looks at the Heart Thing 'Koraa'...*(Part 1)

Hmm, the title alone should tell you of how this on &off subject have suffocated not only me but many for years.

_...but the Lord Looks at the Heart._(1 Sam. 16:7)
And so there is no way you can deny the above is not in the *Holy Scriptures.*

*So,why do you JUST look at her&outrightly Judge/condemn her?...Who are you to?...Is that the way to go?*

*For you,Do you understand what it means to say God looks at the heart?...What is in your heart?...Is it pleasing to God?...Then,...honestly,...Your Life?*

Beloved,this seemingly thorny subject is not one- sided as many tend to see it. It is a two-sided coin as pointed out above. Indeed,it does get tiring to see this go back and forth &doesn't seem to end.

What happens is that some lose  their faith for being condemned& mostly those 'spiritual' either force a change or move out to where they think can belong.

First,the way to go:
_Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.(Psalm 44:21)_
For those who find themselves in the faith&waxing stronger,the verse in Psalm should be a guide.

I'm sure you can count the many times you were wrong when you accused her *just because* of her new look.

It *may* be a sign of certain bad changes but you should remember what God told  Samuel about David 'Do not look on his appearance...but the Lord looks at the heart.'(1Sam 16:7)

We are Christians which means we have the Holy Spirit.To know someone's mind,it can only be through his spirit.This is what the Holy spirit help us to know.(1Cor.2:11)

And i can say many a times we only  rely on sight,mere feelings,sheer annoyance &mostly our past experience in minstry. Do you know why God is still with some because aside all the bad that is seen, *they still yearn for God which is unseen.*

And such a heart is what God wants& *he is waiting on you* to stop the condemnation&help them to fully get back to him.

God does not reveal certain things about  another so that we can judge and condemn them no matter how shocking it is,how sinful&defensive they are. It is for us to correct&rebuke in love. No individual has the right to condemn another.

In fact,your spiritual standing (maturity) should even tell you to approach &deal with those  _God looks at the heart people_ no matter how fake with *LOVE.*

We end here but Part 2 next week will be on those _fake God looks at the heart people.����)_

*This God looks at the heart thing 'koraa'...Don't condemn but correct in Love.*

Tuesday, 12 December 2017


*'Questions'* is where we ask simple,relevant,teasing yet interesting 'questions' for you to ponder&draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.

Last week,we did Part 7 where we looked at those (little) negative changes that creep in on us& later define us.

We turn the tables with its 8th part focusing on those Positives Changes that are needed,must take&move on with:
*What are those necessary changes???*

*What are those Changes you decided to or had to take???...*

*Is it because of the Christ-Centered opinions you NOW share which conflict with theirs???*

*Is it because they are losing you because you now concentrate on what is most needed???*

*Is it because of the deep sober reflection of your life hence the decision to draw away from that group???*

(They say you have changed...)
*Is it because they always want you at a point they can take advantage of or manipulate???*

*Why do you want to go back to that?...Why do you think you are mistaken for moving on??*

*So this- Why do you want to go back to him/her after all the many disrespect,abuse,disinterest,unfaithfulness, &being taken for granted even before marriage???*

*Is it because he/she has come calling again...How many times now when it is so clear he/she is unrepentant???*

*Do you think you are the only one to change that friend because of the closeness &wonderful times you shared???*

*Why are you going back when he was clearly leading you astray???*

*Or is it because he was sooo good to you???*

They say you have changed... *but isn't it because you've now woken up,found yourself& now see things differently???*

Beloved,these are some of the many *positive changes* we make which we sometimes doubt. So, Part 7 dealt with the negatives changes &today's on the positive changes.
*Where do you fall??*

I must add it can be extremely difficult to discern between all these situations.
Therefore,deal with  them situation by situation&most importantly let the Holy Spirit guide you.
_(For a negative change can be a positive at another point&vice versa)_

_(We will end the year with Questions 9&10)_

Monday, 11 December 2017


We continue the series- _Be like a little child,Don't be like a little child._(Infants,Babies)

We ended Part 1 on 1 Cor. 3 on not *being Like a Little Child* & we continue right from there'

*Don't be like a Little Child*
In 1 Cor.3:1-2- _'Brothers, i could not address you as spiritual but as worldly-mere infants in christ. I gave you milk not solid food for you were not ready for it. Indeed,you are still not ready._

How would it be if we all remained as infants/babies as we were born?

How would it feel if you still remained a little child?...( _It may have its sweetness but i believe it has it also has its own burdens...They, can tell you..Remember wanting to be like daddy just because...����_)

Then this- Always doing that one same thing& being tossed around(controlled) with instructions here&there???

God didn't bring us here to remain as babies. For there is a time to be born&a time to die which means in between there is that growth process. Being&staying a little child(esp. in mind) goes against God's natural order.

God brought us here for a *PURPOSE*-one that only *begins* with a little Child. *Don't be Like a Little Child*

*Be like a Little Child*-not in mind & physique if not for health conditions but purely in *HEART*. As Jesus engaged the little children in Mark 10:13, he saw love,purity,meekness,innocence&a yearning heart.

When Jesus sees these attributes of a little child in us, *he also craves for us,gladly welcomes&usher us into his presence all the time,cares&caresses us&bless us above all.*

The chief blessing is that the kingdom of God becomes ours aside the other blessings we so wish.��

We conclude this aspect of the series next week.(Part 3)


Sunday, 10 December 2017


*_Be Like a Little Child, Don't be like a Little Child (Part2)_

*_Questions(Part 8)_

*_This God looks at the heart thing 'koraa'..._
(Some title there)

*_The Thing with Close People(The Work/Professional Side)_

*_How it is...No,should be.(Master-Servant Relationship)_

All these coming up this week on your All Round Devotional *(On This Morning &Message For The Evening)*


Saturday, 9 December 2017


This evening on Quotes,i bring you these thought-provoking ones... *Be Inspired to Action* with these:

*The most beautiful expression of worship goes nowhere if it's not from the heart.-unknown*

*Life does not come with a reset button but #God does offer 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances...-Derron E.Short*

*_We need more teachers, policeofficers, politicians, and lawyers that are full of the Holy Spirit and driven by the love of God. If you feel called to do any of the above please... do it. We,* Ghana *the world, needs it.- @JackieHillPerry* _(tweaked a bit)_*

*Action speak louder than words. Let action walk hand-in-hand with your words."-@ClaytonJAinger* #MindBodyThoughts

*“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”- @ CSLewisDaily*

*You will never know what could have been done until you start doing what needs to be done.-@Orrin_Woodward*

*"Emotions are never bad. How we connect with them or react to them is where we can be harmful to our body and mind."-@ClaytonJAinger #MindBodyThoughts*

*Romans 8:28 is not a nursery rhyme. Many Christians like to quote this verse but they stop at the beginning. -@AdelHewardMills*

*All things don’t work together for good for everybody. It works together for people with two qualities – to them that love God and to them that are called according to (not your purpose) but His purpose. Hallelujah!- @AdelHewardMills*

It is time because your life is not in your hands. The lease of your life – you don’t know. How long you have to live – you don’t know. What is happening next – you don’t know. It’s now time to seek The Lord. *You have to repent immediately and start to seek Him. #TheTimetoSeekGod -@AdelHewardMills*


Friday, 8 December 2017


The _'Be like...,Don't be...'_ series is back&today it is on Children...Little Children,Infants,Babes/Babies.

Little children(Babies) are delicate,pure& innocent. It is *safe* to say they  have no bad desires or evil motives. ( *.. The little ones these days are wild oo..That is on the funny side����*)

God wants us to be like a little child as described above but does he want us to stay as  immature& of little use like a little child.That is the pivot on which today's Be like,Don't be like  hinges on.

*_Let's go for the scriptural situations:_*
*Be like a Little child for they are the Greatest in the Kingdom of God.*
The scriptural verses to this short account of Jesus,disciples&little children are many. _(Matt.18&19, Luke 9&18 and Mark 9&10.)_

And in all the accounts,the key thing is- Who is the Greatest in the kingdom?

The answer is what God wants us to do:
To be like a little child-pure in heart,humble&meek to fully embrace God,the genuineness&extreme simplicity of his word.

_God&his stuff can be too simple even in its complexities&that is where we bring our adult human reasoning. However,God reminds us- it only takes a little child to do this-Soul of a child_

This was why Jesus used the child to demonstrate this to his disciples&to us today. *Be like a little Child!*

*So, Don't be like a little Child* In 1 Cor.3:1-2- _'Brothers, i could not address you as spiritual but as worldly-mere infants in christ. I gave you milk not solid food for you were not ready for it. Indeed,you are still not ready._

Do you want to remain as  immature as a little child. Always staying as you are&not growing...A stunted Growth.
I am not sure that is what we want as a people. Reflect on the passage again for you *_don't have to be a little child here!_*

We continue next week with Part 2.


Thursday, 7 December 2017


Another edition of my timeless running series is here.oh yea,Part 7 oo��.
This is where we ask simple,relevant,teasing yet interesting questions for you to ponder&draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.

The Questions now:
*What are those (little) changes???*

*Noticed them?...*

*Haven't you seen that your passion&commitment towards God&other spiritual things seem to be waning&going somewhere else???*

*Haven't you checked that you don't spend time praying&looking out for your team members as you used to???*

*Haven't you observed that you now enjoy the company of ' _those new found groupies_' better than those good old pals???*

*Do you see how you talk&behave NOW???*

*Don't you see that NOW you see nothing wrong with EVERY new/trendy fashion statement,music& other lifestyles adopted???*

*Ask yourself-Is it just something normal or you're refusing to see those 'bad' influencing it???*

*Haven't you seen that NOW, WHATEVER your  _'he/she'_ says is final?...(No other opinion now matters)*

*Are you afraid of losing him/her just because of  how long you waited &your age???*

*Why is it that NOW nothing anyone does concerns you or to say you're so carefree about almost everything???*

Not seen???...These are some of the clear signs or warnings???
*The voice(Holy Spirit) that keep speaking to you???*

*The sermon or that message you read???*

*You are changing oo...???* (That is what your good friend has been saying these days )


_(Part 8 next week turns the tables)_

Wednesday, 6 December 2017


Another sequel to the story message- *#MeW)Jesus(I have Jesus)* is here.It gets interesting with every one of them teaching us this-
*Once i make that bold declaration&have that unwavering belief that 'I have Jesus;i don't know what's ahead but i know my God has got it covered!..ME W) JESUS!*

Today,we do _The Turning Point for Mr.Otchere_& we continue right from where we left off:

_So as Jones held the mic with his left hand all through,it was so clear that his hanging frigid right hand was motionless to the audience.All this while, a young hopeless destitute boy who had lost his way entered&slowly leaned on the side listening to Jones._

_As Jones ended his speech further inspiring many,the M.C stood up to continue only to overtaken by the chairman of the event who voiced out *'I don't believe in this whole Me W) Jesus thing.'*_ 

_Now,that was Mr. Otchere,who was also a deacon at his church.He had been a mentor&spiritual father to Jones as he encouraged him to never lose his faith.He had no doubt choosing him as the chairman._
_'Why would he disgrace him?...Not at this time?...What is happening?...Jesus,if indeed i have you...'_ -These were the thoughts of Jones& i believe the many people&dignitaries.

_Even before Mr. Otchere could justify his shocking disbelief, another man out of nowhere further poisoned the atmosphere._
_'I also don't believe in this whole MeW)Jesus trap.Okay,i was forced here&have been sitting for hours...Now,don't quote to me all the verses with the righteous has many troubles but the Lord..I know them!...Tell me how can i lose every possession i acquired just within 48hrs...I...I..'__

Mr. Otchere rudely cut in with... _'Stop right there...i just received a call that my only son just passed on.i had been suppressing this...Over the years, i lost my wife who had had several miscarriages...Now for my only son..._

  _It was a wrong call&your child is doing well_ said Mr Otchere's friend.
_Mr. Otchere who was just beside himself knelt down. All of a sudden,the room was full of joy as Jones hanging frigid hand was miraculously working like normal as he held the Mic to speak. Mr.Otchere then joined the crowd who were shouting...Me W) Jesus...Ye W) Jesus_

_Their jubilation was cut short as announcement was made of a missing boy.That boy who was at the back run off when Mr Otchere was spewing his unbelief and....��_



Tomorrow on *#OnThisMorning,* i bring you an engaging edition of *Questions(Part  7)*

Then the interesting running series- *Be like...,Don't be like...* will continue on Friday with *Be like a LITTLE CHILD,Don't be like a LITTLE CHILD*☺

this evening on *MessageForTheEvening*, i bring you another sequel to your favourite story devotional message: *#MeW)Jesus(The Turning Point for Mr. Otchere)*

For now,Enjoy as i share once again *MeW)Jesus-Jones Intriguing End* as we continue from there this evening.

*3y3 #NhyiraNkoaa on your All Round Devotional*

Monday, 4 December 2017

*MEDITATE(John 14:15-21)*

This holiday morning on *#ONTHISMORNING*, we do *#MEDITATE* from the book of John.

Here we go:
V. 15 “If you love me, keep my commands.

V.16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—

V.17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be
in you.

V.18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

V.19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.

V.20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

V.21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.


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#Lookout for another sequel of  #MeW)Jesus tomorrow.

Saturday, 2 December 2017


This evening I bring you Quotes from the devotional-Our Daily Bread.

Enjoy and be blessed:
*Jesus Name &mission are the same-He came to save us.*

*God opens the gates of heaven to those who open their hearts to him.*

*When we look into the mirror of God's Word, we see ourselves more clearly.*

*God helps those who know they are helpless.*������

*Well-timed silence can be more eloquent than words.*

*Jesus longs for our fellowship.*

*The more we live like Jesus,the more others will be drawn to him.*

*The best place for God's word is our hearts.*��

*The true measure of a person is what's in the heart.*��

*Give Jesus your heart and ask him to make you pure and clean. He may tumble you a bit,and it may take time to smooth away the rough edges. But he will never give up on you. He will make you into one of his Jewels.-David Roper*

*We are saved by God's mercy and not by merit.*



Friday, 1 December 2017

ooh joe oo

TO COME: Oh Joe OO & Me W) Jesus

*O Joe OO*✌��is a very interesting one☺ coming up  on *#ONTHISMORNING*

Then another sequel to the story message *#MeW)Jesus* will follow through this holiday.
*_Remember, A simple MeW)Jesus with an unwavering belief is all you need in this life._*
