Hmm, the title alone should tell you of how this on &off subject have suffocated not only me but many for years.
_...but the Lord Looks at the Heart._(1 Sam. 16:7)
And so there is no way you can deny the above is not in the *Holy Scriptures.*
*So,why do you JUST look at her&outrightly Judge/condemn her?...Who are you to?...Is that the way to go?*
*For you,Do you understand what it means to say God looks at the heart?...What is in your heart?...Is it pleasing to God?...Then,...honestly,...Your Life?*
Beloved,this seemingly thorny subject is not one- sided as many tend to see it. It is a two-sided coin as pointed out above. Indeed,it does get tiring to see this go back and forth &doesn't seem to end.
What happens is that some lose their faith for being condemned& mostly those 'spiritual' either force a change or move out to where they think can belong.
First,the way to go:
_Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.(Psalm 44:21)_
For those who find themselves in the faith&waxing stronger,the verse in Psalm should be a guide.
I'm sure you can count the many times you were wrong when you accused her *just because* of her new look.
It *may* be a sign of certain bad changes but you should remember what God told Samuel about David 'Do not look on his appearance...but the Lord looks at the heart.'(1Sam 16:7)
We are Christians which means we have the Holy Spirit.To know someone's mind,it can only be through his spirit.This is what the Holy spirit help us to know.(1Cor.2:11)
And i can say many a times we only rely on sight,mere feelings,sheer annoyance &mostly our past experience in minstry. Do you know why God is still with some because aside all the bad that is seen, *they still yearn for God which is unseen.*
And such a heart is what God wants& *he is waiting on you* to stop the condemnation&help them to fully get back to him.
God does not reveal certain things about another so that we can judge and condemn them no matter how shocking it is,how sinful&defensive they are. It is for us to correct&rebuke in love. No individual has the right to condemn another.
In fact,your spiritual standing (maturity) should even tell you to approach &deal with those _God looks at the heart people_ no matter how fake with *LOVE.*
We end here but Part 2 next week will be on those _fake God looks at the heart people.)_
*This God looks at the heart thing 'koraa'...Don't condemn but correct in Love.*
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