Saturday, 9 December 2017


This evening on Quotes,i bring you these thought-provoking ones... *Be Inspired to Action* with these:

*The most beautiful expression of worship goes nowhere if it's not from the heart.-unknown*

*Life does not come with a reset button but #God does offer 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances...-Derron E.Short*

*_We need more teachers, policeofficers, politicians, and lawyers that are full of the Holy Spirit and driven by the love of God. If you feel called to do any of the above please... do it. We,* Ghana *the world, needs it.- @JackieHillPerry* _(tweaked a bit)_*

*Action speak louder than words. Let action walk hand-in-hand with your words."-@ClaytonJAinger* #MindBodyThoughts

*“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”- @ CSLewisDaily*

*You will never know what could have been done until you start doing what needs to be done.-@Orrin_Woodward*

*"Emotions are never bad. How we connect with them or react to them is where we can be harmful to our body and mind."-@ClaytonJAinger #MindBodyThoughts*

*Romans 8:28 is not a nursery rhyme. Many Christians like to quote this verse but they stop at the beginning. -@AdelHewardMills*

*All things don’t work together for good for everybody. It works together for people with two qualities – to them that love God and to them that are called according to (not your purpose) but His purpose. Hallelujah!- @AdelHewardMills*

It is time because your life is not in your hands. The lease of your life – you don’t know. How long you have to live – you don’t know. What is happening next – you don’t know. It’s now time to seek The Lord. *You have to repent immediately and start to seek Him. #TheTimetoSeekGod -@AdelHewardMills*


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