Thursday, 21 December 2017

*This God Looks at the Heart Thing 'Koraa'...*(Part 2)

It is here again& today i turn the heat on *_those fake God Looks at the heart people._*(Of course,they're not going to be spared)_

It must be said they can be very annoying esp. when they're truly faking it sparking this whole debate. _(Well,the difficult part is we shouldn't judge them since we ain't saints.)_

Last week, we looked at these ones:
*So,why do you JUST look at her&outrightly Judge/condemn her?*
Today,it is on those who are pulling this fake card using the biblical mantra- _'God Looks at the Heart'_

*Do you understand what it means to say God looks at the heart?...What is in your heart?...Is it pleasing to God?...Then,...honestly,...Your Life?*

Beloved,many hide behind this God looks at the heart thing-intentionally miscontrue it in order to live the  lives they've always wanted&
still want to call themselves christians. _(In Twi brief- Wo p3 wade3 ay3 a,wo se Awurade hw3 akoma mu)_

Yes,those who are in this are mostly 'christians' but do remember what God says in Rev. 3:16, For the lukewarm,he'll spit out of his mouth.

_Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.(Psalm 44:21)_

When the Lord told Samuel not to look at David's appearance&the height of his stature, for he(God) looks at the heart;it was basically because David had this heart:
*_A broken,contrite,pure&yearning that always sought God even in his worst state._
*_One that was not receptive or did not harbour those stuff that led to pain,bitterness&rancour_  * _One that was prepared to do God's will._(No wonder he was after God's heart)

Can you also say same about what is in your heart&the life it makes you live???
Can you  boldly stand before God&joyfully present your life to God&say Lord look at my heart,with all that is in it-I WORSHIP YOU!

Remember, in Jeremiah 17:10 _"I, the LORD, search the heart,I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways..._

*Stop deceiving yourself! Stop Faking it! Stop using it as an anthem!*
*I must say if you are frequently found of using this verse or been often accused of it or have to always use it as a point of defence;then check your life as a christian.(Something may be wrong someway.)*

_Proverbs 21:2 “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.”_
Always let the Lord weigh your heart& in this time his Holy Spirit convicts us all the time.

Considering how far you've gone,you may need this prayer of David in Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart,O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (GOD IS READY FOR YOU!)

*This God looks at the heart thing koraa...Stop faking it,Live the life!*

_(What are we(you) having for Christmas? this evening)_

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