Thursday, 12 April 2018

*Be Thankful-A Thankful Heart(THe Human Side)*

(5-year Anniv.🌻🙌🏻)

*_Develop a Thankful Heart...Be Thankful to God in all things...For Thankfulness is something God doesn't force us to but requires us to..._* And his blessings?...

Yesterday, we looked at Being Thankful (The God Side). Today, we look at the Human side.

And yesterday, we said to be Thankful in all things & to do it without fail, we need to have *a Thankful Heart*- One that only God can make whole though it is an attitude we build through our upbringing.

Beloved, Thankfulness  doesn't end with God alone but must be shown to one another. It is a virtue God wants to carry across no matter how difficult.

_But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labour among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction,_ (1Thess 5:12)

*What do we gain from being an Ingrate or What can be right about not being Thankful for whatever GOOD  done you. It is just so COURTEOUS and  RIGHT to&so IMPROPER& SENSELESS not to.*

Being Thankful has  enormous benefits:
_One key one for the individual is to  appreciate who you are, what you have & this helps to see one's way clear and know the next move._

_It defines one's personality&speaks volumes about the kind of person one is...Why would you want to be branded as an Ingrate&a can do it all 'freak'?_

_Being Thankful means appreciating the little things.Remember, this simple act subconsciously melts hearts, is seen& open bigger doors for significant changes._

Beloved, being Thankful can be difficult when acts shown are not even genuine.It may be overused, abused and not reciprocated but we shouldn't lose this virtue. Remember, Whatever we do is unto God not man.

Indeed, our God pours his manifold blessings and open doors for us when we do this for a fellow.

Beloved, Our best way of Thanking one another is this
*1 Thessalonians 1:2 We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.*

*Develop a Thankful Heart...Let's be Thankful to one another... For though seemingly small, it causes big things beyond measure.*

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