Wednesday 6 April 2016


I wanted to do this, this Saturday on my QUOTES edition and see, God brought it a little earlier

Sensing something different today on ON THIS MORNING.'s the birthday of one great man of God in our church (TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, PATASI-KUMASI)

He's been a blessing and continues to be a blessing. Surely, what God has put in him will fully manifest. So this GENERATION...WATCH OUT!!!

We're not just doing birthday stuff. You know with ON THIS MORNING, the message is never lost

He shares messages mostly in the morning like I do.
I therefore bring you 'FF' QUOTES TODAY'. He's FRANK FOSU.

Just love some selected few:

What you have gone through becomes a reference point at the verge of your breakthrough. There is a DAVID in the making. [1 SAMUEL 17:34-37] 
~Frank Fosu~

God chooses to credit our mess in life with His mercy we do not deserve. When you sow mercy, you reap mercy. [MATTHEW 5:7]
~Frank Fosu~

Zion is the place where God services His children both physically and spiritually. This checks on every wear and tear in your system. [PSALM 84:7]
Appear in Zion this morning.
~Frank Fosu~

Money must be our servant but not our master. We have become servants of this earthly virtue and fallen prey to the greed and glutton syndrome. [Matthew 6:24]
~Frank Fosu~

God is not solely interested in releasing wealth TO us but THROUGH us. We can command wealth zones if only we have the right revelation of kingdom prosperity. [PROVERBS 11:24-25]
~Frank Fosu~

When Christ becomes your ultimate focus, you become the focus of the world. Christ is the utmost priority. (ACTS 17:6)
~Frank Fosu~

When you are complete in Christ, you don't compete with men. I declare your opportune season of divine completion.
~Frank Fosu~

Interestingly, God views the happenings of our life just like watching a replay match between Manchester and Arsenal. God already knows the final scores. (ISAIAH 46:10)

I have chosen to create a proactive forgiveness account due to all the seeds of hurts people sow in interpersonal relationships. I freely forgive. (EPHESIANS 4:32)
~Frank Fosu~

Every problem, challenge, opposition, persecution, obstacle, hurdle of life has an expiry date. Fix your gaze on both the crown and the cross. (JOB 38:8-11)
~Frank Fosu~

The pain of Christianity is the cross and the gain of Christianity is the crown. Bear your cross with grace and wear your crown with joy. (2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8)

Raising altars at strategic places and specific times is crucial for the aversion of negative trends and tendencies in our lives and endeavours. [1 SAMUEL 24:15-25]
~Frank Fosu~

That ends it. He's a man of PRAYER so I chose to end on that.



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