Tuesday 19 April 2016


Ooh yes that's my title today. 
I'm not insulting or finding a way to say you are FOO.. but the fact is we all are.

That is what our human self or frailties lead us to...FOOLISHNESS. We vow no to, really know what is right to, we even write or tell others about it yet we repeatedly repeat the same things.
Now isn't that  FOO...FOOLISHNESS. (Eeei did I say we even write about it.)

Okay, so many are the things we do that qualifies us for this unwanted title.
The classical one is in the below which bears all the naked evidence both implicitly& explicitly:

*So why do you hold on to that firm but empty belief that there is NO GOD? An Atheist, huh? Then you might as well believe in the nothingness of this world. (Maybe, that will do)

 In spite of all these, you are gripped with fear and if stones,wood and the like are not your idol; it's the material things of this world. (Money, Education)
Even for that, you believe if you only work hard, diligent, faithful to, determined, put the mind to it, you'll succeed. In all these, you FORGET THAT THEY EMANATED FROM SOMEWHERE OR HAS A SOURCE. 

Again, Is it because of what you went through growing up.The things& people in our life?...It will surprise you that they eventually believed which is what saved them in all these.(Well, I believe 'GOD IS NOT DEAD' MOVIE WILL DO JUSTICE TO THIS.GRAB IT IF YOU HAVEN'T)

I will quote the popular and related Scripture on this which shows the FOOLISHNESS of doubting the ONLY one God because EVEN DEMONS BELIEVE  IN THIS ONE GOD AND SHUDDER (Go to James 2:19)

So then,this is the Scripture for them:

This is backed by these verses:
Jeremiah 10:8
'But they are altogether stupid and foolish in their discipline of delusion--their idol is wood!'

Jeremiah 4:22
"For My people are foolish, They know Me not; They are stupid children and have no understanding They are shrewd to do evil, But to do good they do not know."

Now,  Let's look at the everyday ones.
On my way to work just this morning, I saw a car speedily appraching a dog on the way.
The dog stood there till it was nearly hit by the car. The Car had to slow down a bit before it moved away. That is how most of us are...not once, twice but on countless occasions. The merciful truth in our over-speeding foolishness as humans is that our God slows down on them even in exceeding measure.

Again, we are as described in Proverbs 26:11, 'As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.'

* How many times have we not forsaken the word which has led us to a bitter experience.
(God delivers us and we worm our way back into that old life sinking even deeper.)

*How many times have we not said we won't be late again? (ooh this one please Lord, help our foolishness..we've so much trivialized it. Let's change now!)

*How many times haven't we said we wouldn't let those issues go? (Forgetting that Ishmael forgave you 96 hours ago for a similar offence.)

*And ooh how many times have you not said that you would win a soul?
(For this, Bible is so clear in Proverbs 11:30 -'The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.')
Therefore, simply, if you don't win souls you are ...Think about it very well. What's the essence of being a christian all these years and you can't win our soul?

Simply, God knows our FOOLISHNESS and the root of it and that's why he gives a REBIRTH through SALVATION making his GRACE abundantly available.(Romans 10:9)

The Bible says 'No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.(1 John 3:9) 

This means that yes as Christians, we may have that back and forth with sin but as we move on in him, we get to that point where sin will no longer have a hold on us. It is possible. The same Bible provides us with examples.

Again, God knows this and so all he asks of you is to ENTER HIS GRACE, PURPOSE IN YOUR HEART & ALLOW HIM TO USE YOU FULLY. 

Don't always forget to run back to seek and access his HELP- STRENGTH,POWER  and GRACE he's already laid out for you.Remember, you are still in that renewal and transformation process to finally be the perfect saint he's already made you spiritually. 

I believe we don't do this enough- A determined heart &mind to live for God letting him order our steps every step of the way. 

Without this, we will constantly repeat those foolishness!


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