Thursday 7 April 2016


Spiritual Reshuffles is my title this morning.

Shall we?... ooh don't tell me you've not heard of the word RESHUFFLE.

It's a popular word in the political circles or you don't listen to politics. 'Eeei Akristofo) no no'(Meaning Christians for you). Well, i think a general knowledge of it will do (Remember, In as much as we aren't OF this world, we are IN it)

So RESHUFFLE is simply an act of reorganizing or rearranging something. It also means an  interchange in the positions of members of a team, especially government ministers by mostly the president or head of state to whom a sovereign power have been vested in.

Enough of the political meanings. We're looking at Spiritual  Reshuffles here. 

Spiritual Reshuffles is when the sovereign God in his own wisdom decides to change, turn around or move us from one situation, place or calling which are mostly uncomfortable yet are always best for us& in line with his will  for us. 

Spiritual Reshuffles extend to every single Christian. I believe no one Christian is immune from this and oh yes God does reshuffles too. It's only that his is with the purest of intentions which we mostly don't understand. (Especially, when SEEN in the negative)

Let's look at some few here:

-"ooh God why? from this big church which I've solely toiled&founded from the UK.
And you're telling me to move to the new branch in Praprababida with no network signal and where Bicycle transport is rarely seen. Aba God!!!"

- "I can’t do this where? evangelize ..ooh it's not me. Check the Prophecy again.
It must be someone else."

- "Osofo(Pastor), God is moving you from Bogni in the Northern Region to the East Legon branch in the Greater Accra where the church is in serious turmoil due to the Homosexuality issues .We have prayed&the mantle fell on you"

TO YOU:(The Christian)

-God is telling you to temporarily stop your singing ministry and go&settle in some remote part of Kumasi. What to do?... may be unclear for now.

-You are still at sea as to why God has told you to clearly leave your fat paying professional job to start that less- fancied mushroom business.

-All of sudden you hear a voice telling you to let go your pride& status and move around in cars and your neighbourhood doing Evangelism.

In all I ask you?...Will you obey?

These are what we call SPIRITUAL RESHUFFLES.

Before I continue, Let me say know that it isn't all times that the situations above and even more are from God or his workings. It may be schemes of (evil minded) people to knock us out or the devil to derail us from our purpose irrespective of its genuineness. 

This is where DISCERNMENT comes in and you can know it if you only seek for it earnestly even without this particular gifting. (It may come directly or indirectly)

A colleague at the office or even a Head Pastor may even scheme because he feels threatened, you're noted not to be on his side or out of sheer annoyance. 
However, I'm sure you remember this verse: 'All things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.'

Yes, they may or may not be God's plan for you but as you face them never forget to turn to him and ask for his leading.

However, Spiritual Reshuffles genuinely exist and as intimated are difficult to take even for Pastors who are a classical feature in this. Some woefully fail at this.

It will surprise you to know a lot of our men of God especially are living in disobedience of a SPIRITUAL RESHUFFLE they should have obeyed.In fact, they still think they are okay and very 'spiritual' whiles they are possibly under a time tomb or even suffering the consequences.

Let's look at the reasons why God choose to do these needful Reshuffles from time to time:
*To save lives momentarily
*Train&equip us for  greater purpose
*Those there are his flocks too and need to be cared.
*That's what he's destined for you. (His Blessings for you)
* For his glory to be seen.

So you see...

Read Acts 8:26-40, a classical one happened with Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch.


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