Tuesday 26 April 2016


Good morning people of God.

A holy nation. A royal priesthood .A Peculiar people.(I love that one)

Today it's about TESTIMONIES. Do you have any to share?

Certainly, by now you should know you don't have to wait till that special something happens before... (That is the mistake we mostly make)

So obviously we're looking at CHRISTIAN TESTIMONIES and not the one where you're brought into a courtroom,under oath and EXPECTED to give a true personal account/witness to a case being heard.

Okay, so a Christian testimony is  simply the Christian sharing how he became a Christian by God’s wondrous intervention (Grace)& also his forever work in our lives through myriad ways.

This also means our whole life is a TESTIMONY to God and for others to see.
This is where my concentration is on today.

It's not to trivialise  the sharing of our salvation experience which is key but what people normally wants to see is what comes after. You're a Christian...So?

In Psalm 81:5,David says
'This he ordained in Joseph as a TESTIMONY, when he went out through the land of Egypt:where I heard a language I understood not.'

Like Joseph, your whole life is a testimony to the one called you so that you can also call others with that same testimony.

With this, tell me...what kind of Christian ought you to be?
First, it fully reminds you of who you are and what you're made for?

Then, it leads you to commit  your whole self to  him to truly making your life a TESTIMONY.

It's why the Lord answers us in Psalm 40:3 that he puts a new song in our mouth(every moment),a hymn of praise to our God so that many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.
( This is also backed by Lamentations 3:22-23)

So continue to share those wonderful Testimonies like saved from a fatal accident,  deliverance from demonic attacks,secured a billion dollar contract, Car, Mansion.

However, never forget the testimony of your life . First, your salvation and your life after.
Let someone see you and say because of the mere sight of you, I give my life to CHRIST.



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