Wednesday 13 July 2016

'SAFE!'(Prov. 18:10)

To be SAFE is to be protected or not exposed to danger or risk. Not to be harmed or lost.
Also, A 'SAFE' is a strong fireproof cabinet with a complex lock used for keeping valuables.(Mostly, it's used by Security agencies&also in the Banking sectors)

As at 2010, U.S Bullion depository in Fort Knox, Kentucky was considered the SAFEST PLACE IN THE WORLD.
It is a fortified building that houses 5000 tons (147.3 million ounces) of Gold and other  precious items guarded by a 22-ton door& other sophisticated securities.
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Yet there are still reports of break into the SAFE &numerous robbery attempts.

In 2015, Iceland was considered as the safest country in the world. Although with no standing army& its crime rate  on the minimal; it still records homicide cases& accidental shooting from time to time.
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One revealing thing is that since the future is always unknown; researchers conceded finding the safest place the world over is a very arduous task.
You would only have to look at the bearest minimum of the crime rates, disasters, corruption et al. (Mind you the countries or places change at least every year)
Someone commented that Didn't they say Titanic was unsinkable until...

Beloved I am here to let You know that there can NEVER be a SAFE place in this world. Never let what they say, you see &the advanced technologies deceive you. I believe it is very clear how they continually fail us when we think they can't.

Jesus indicated that in John 16:33
'In this world, you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world.
Of course, All things will pass away hence no wonder he's preparing a place for us which undoubtedly is the SAFEST. Bear in mind, that is a SURETY... That will never change (Heaven).

However, understand that it isn't the beauty, treasures and all the glorious things that wil make Heaven joyous and the safest. It is JUST BECAUSE GOD IS THERE!!!

And so yes as we wait to get to Heaven, should we still live here on earth in perpetual fear?
God didn't make it so. It is why he himself lives in us. His Holy Spirit is with us in this EVIL&UNSAFE world giving us peace &Joy regardless of WHATEVER...

As a christian, you live, walk, talk &do everything without fear. You may not know the future but you HAVE the one who knows & so you are SAFE!
Yes it is possible to be SAFE in this WORLD simply because YOU HAVE GOD IN &WITH YOU.

Psalm 4:8
In peace I will lie down and sleep,for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life
of whom shall I be afraid?

Prov. 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong (fortified) tower; the righteous run to it and are SAFE'
(Read  Psalm 91, Psalm 23 as well)


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