Thursday 28 July 2016


(Excerpts from Day 2 of Youth Festival by Rev . Leo Owusu Afriyie)

As we enter Day 2 of Youth Festival 2016, Rev. Leo Owusu Afriyie of Love Community Baptist continues with

Of course, another AWESOME time with our maker.
Mind you the main theme is MARCHING ON TO VICTORY.

Let's continue with  Day 2 of HELLO TOMORROW:

This is JOHN F. KENNEDY speech about Going to the Moon:

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things,not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win and the others, too."

*Buying tomorrow starts from the mind. The best way is to renew and transform by God's word. 

*Remember the average African doesn't plan beyond 5yrs. Don't be like that. Have a plan(mental picture) and make sure you write it down.


* Celebrate little achievement
(Zech 5.10, job 8:7, Exod 4.2, Ezra 3:11)
-Our God specializes in turning little things into mighty things.
- Whatever you thank God for is your own
-Thank God for the foundations. Don't despise small beginnings.
(That's how Love Community Baptist started)

* DILIGENCE(Mark 5:11)
- The Secret to oceanic blessing is the multiple streams  that flow into it.
- Work hard, diversify your portfolio, Have multiple streams of income BUT ABOVE ALL BE DILIGENT AT IT. (Prov.6.6-11)

-David wouldn't have been king if not for divine partnership of Jonathan.
-We all need a destiny helper.
(Some people have never gone to school but they will sponsor you through school to reach your maximum.)  MAY GOD LEAD YOU TO YOUR DIVINE HELPER...STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP

* FOCUS- HEB.12.2
Simply, You can only walk over your obstacles  by fixing or FOCUSING on Jesus.

More to Come on Saturday as we look at the Interesting side of the Sermon& the Man Leo Owusu Afriyie.

The sermon came from a book which will be out soon. Grab a copy when it comes. 

(See you at 5:30pm@Trinity Baptist Patasi Depot with T-PRAISE.)

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