Monday 4 July 2016


Good morning God's people.I stage a comeback this morning as I said
What about you?...Are you staging that comeback in various areas of your life?

No matter the hurly burly of this life, make time to look into your life& look at those key areas that you've so drifted from(seemingly small it may be yet key enough to unmake you)


I know it's not as simple as I put it this morning.

Okayy, so narrowing it down to that one important area- our  SPIRITUAL LIVES. It fuels&impacts on all areas of our lives& this is where i bring in the Backsliding element.

BACKSLIDING is not clearly found in the new testament but used in the old testament to mean 'those who BELONG to God but have ALLOWED SIN to BRING A WALL BETWEEN THEM& GOD.'

 In Jeremiah 14:7 “Though our iniquities testify against us, act, O LORD, for your name's sake; for our BACKSLIDINGS are many; we have sinned against you.

Other key words explanation is to 'temporarily' Go Back To, Decline, Slip back or Relapse.

Clearly, Backsliding is different from Apostasy which is the rejection of a religious/Christian truth.(Look into that later).

Backsliders are still Christians& of course if CARE is not taken it could lead to the extreme of which Apostasy is not excluded.

Have you ever seen a baby rattlesnake? They have their little fangs, tails&rattles.
It could actually look cute but then it can bite you & its venom is even more potent than that of an adult.

So we must be watchful of things that silently steal our attention& focus from God.They always look very innocent..."ooh it won't hurt me....ooh I have walked that path before& You see God is even with me."

By the time we realise we are IN IT, DEFENDING IT though deep within we know it's WRONG.

Mind you,BACKSLIDING and the like have a way of blindfolding us to see what is clearly truthful as simply not. BACKSLIDERS tend to be massage therapists of the TRUTH. 

What is important is that in all these, this is what God says:
He loves you, his blood shed on the cross is still working for you because one born of God doesn't remain in sin & never turns back( 1 John 2:18-19, 3:9).

GOD is RESTORING you because:
* Someone is praying/interceding for you.
*His Holy Spirit keeps on speaking to you perpetually
*His word continues to come to you like today.

Therefore, he understands your weaknesses and the arduous challenges you face but you are of God and so he affords you every opportunity to come back to him. STAGE THAT COMEBACK!

It balls down to this-
* Boldly go to him, approach his throne of Grace right now as his dear child. (Just as Hebrews 4:16 & the prodigal son did in Luke 15)
* Confess it all, he will Forgive&Restore you JUST LIKE THAT. (I John 1:8-9)

Know that All power& authority belongs to him and you also have that as his child to COME BACK.

Remember,it has always not been easy but it has always been possible!

Proverbs 24:16
For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.

(And so we will make time to go into Backsliding in detail later. Today, the emphasis was on coming out if it. )



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