Thursday 7 July 2016


 Proverbs 20:12 
The HEARING EAR and the seeing eye, the
LORD has made them both.

James 1:19
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to HEAR, slow to speak, slow to anger;...

Proverbs 18:13
If one gives an answer before he HEARS, it is his folly and shame.

In the Bible, Listening &hearing are sometimes used  interchangeaby. Of course, there is a difference-Listening has a deeper meaning than hearing. 
Now, before I split the two in detail; just to chip in this-Romans 10:9 'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by
the word of God.'

If by just hearing, Faith take seed and grows, how much more when you listen raptly  which leads  you to search deeper. Think about it???

HEARING is a physical ability that's inborn unless one is impaired.

LISTENING is a skill that can be learned. It leads to learning.  It requires concentration and the ability to accurately receive& interpret messages.This helps to make proper meaning from words.

A lot to chew on this morning eee. 

Anyway,for many of us it's easier to hear than to listen. It's one of our banes. A lot of the problems we have which become big are mostly because  we don't listen. 

In reality, see how stupid you look when out of haste and other biases we jump to respond without listening very well.( Prov.18:13)

Today, I present to you one way we can really show love to others and that's by LISTENING to them.
Counsellor &Author Joyce  Huggett tells us many people come to thank her for just listening. Therefore,  in her book 'Listening to others' she says ' On many Occasions, I have not done anything. I have just LISTENED.'

Beloved, on many occasions what people need is just for you to LISTEN to them.
At that point, they may not need any (long) talk& analysis.

They just need  someone to pour out their soul to, encourage them to speak more& empathise with them.(accompanying this are the sighing, holding, hugging&such which all add up to it)

Mostly, after this we come to see such people are now receptive of any advice that comes.
More so, for those on other side, listening very well enables them to better respond and help such people effectively. 

The wonderful thing is that some are totally healed& free after being LISTENED TO.

Job in the Bible required that from his friends though  they sat with him for 7 days. Job 31:35 'Oh, that I had someone to hear me!...'

LISTENING is silent and hardly seen yet a very effective& powerful  way of helping others. Join me tomorrow for LISTENING(THE GOD SIDE)


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