Tuesday 5 July 2016


Good Morning to you all. 

So i overheard the intercourse between the two friends as she intimated to him this:
'As for me one person in my life that I treasure so much is...'(Wanted me to continue...hehe)

Obviously, this should tell you of how dear that person is to her even though you didn't get to know(hehe). In other cases, they are things people are so attached to or really value in their lives.

Mostly, when someone makes such an assertion, we are mostly curious to find out the extra oomph or what all does that thing or person has to have wowed the other in a such a manner.

Let's see if we can find that someone or something in this story:

"So when he and his helpers were on their way, he came to a village and was warmly received by two noble sisters

The first of the two sisters who ushered the much talked about VISITOR concerned herself with tidying up the place, cooking up something&generally ensuring everything was in place. 

Then she turned & saw the special guest with her sister fully engrossed in a serious chat particularly looking at how her sister was listening attentively. 
The chat  she couldn't hear but looking at the calibre of person, she could tell the message was deep.

To ensure some equity and fairness, she got closer to them and told the guest:
'Don't you care my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Please tell her to help me!

Then he responded
'You are worried and upset about many things BUT ONLY ONE THING IS NEEDED."

I'm sure by now you know where this story is from-The Bible. The encounter between Jesus, Mary&Martha in Luke 10:38-42.

Yes, beloved ONLY ONE THING IS NEEDED in this life. However, I must say it wasn't that what Martha was doing was wrong.

Read the passage very well &you'll see that all Jesus was saying was for Martha to seek for what's most vital in this life &not what's  desirable.(The Akan tribe in Ghana translates this in twi as 'y3 y3 de3 3hia asaa na ya y3 de3 afata')

Again in v.40 it says Martha allowed herself to be DISTRACTED by all the preparations to be made. He overloaded herself with too much maybe to impress honourable JESUS.

Of course, the place needed to be clean, treating Jesus to some sweet milk&bread won't be bad but ask yourself was that more important than THE WORD OF GOD. (And that was what Mary chose.)

There are lot of things to be done here on earth. Please make sure you do them but in doing so always fish out for what is needful and satisfy them first.

As old as Jesus era,he was teaching Martha the economics principle of Scale of Preference which prioritises needs&wants according to what is most needed or of higher importance.

Scale of Preference is of God. God uses it and he charges us to do so. Above all, although what we put on the Scale of Preference changes from time to time, God should always be that unchanging figure on our scale of preference for he is always needed.

Similarly, our jobs, those relationships,spouses,wealth are all good things but let's seek for what's most needed because that COVERS ALL. Another read of the famous foundational verse in  Matt. 6:33 summarises it all. 'Seek first what is needed and the other things will be taken care of.'(Paraphrased)

In v. 42b Jesus finalizes it saying '...but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is BETTER,  and it will not be taken away from her.' 

In this life, there are lot of things but only few things are needed or indeed only one.  Clearly, this is the Word of God=Jesus.

 Beloved, always know this- 'ONLY ONE THING IS NEEDED'. 

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