Thursday 19 October 2017


The christian life begins with *Faith*. You are believing a God you've never seen yet believe he knows &can do it all.
This is a quote about Faith from last friday's message- *A Matter of Trust*.

*What were we not told right from infancy*:There is a big God up there who is all powerful,all knowing&even here.He can do ALL things&we are supposed to be in church,behave someway 'bi' to worship him.

As if even as kids,we believed all that. They were too big to believe&we did so because Daddy says so. _Okay,if he could do all things,why was mummy struggling so hard to pay my fees_' We wondered.

It is *A Matter of Faith.* may have been a loose faith at the time but we're fully believing a parent noone told us they were.

We didn't need to be told.They are our parents! *That natural incline God put in us clearly* says it all aside the relationship built.(Well,you can point out those exceptions.It doesn't negate this point)

That is the same with God& the Christian life.

Faith is not about facts or evidential proof before... *Faith is a Substance of Hope&the evidence of things not seen yet fully  believe that it is,will be which truly BE.(Heb11, James 2:14)*

*...Which truly be*-That is the beautiful thing about Faith. _What is Faith without_ works. *What is the point believing in the 'unbelievable' if nothing will show in the end*
(Yes,we're supposed to believe in him whether he does it or not but regardless we know he is a faithful God.)

So Abraham had faith in God,went to a place he didn't know and then what?...nothing becomes of him. That was not the story.(Read it in Gen.12...)

Our lives begin with faith.Faith in God as the baseline& then faith in other things follow. With time,he expects us to *trust* him as Abraham did with Isaac later on.

It runs through- *A matterof trust & A matter of faith once again.*It is we, humans who tend to look at the current circumstance.

It is *A Matter of  Faith*

Pic from the movie A Matter of Faith

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