Wednesday 4 October 2017


This is where we ask simple,relevant,teasing yet interesting questions for you to ponder&draw out meaningful answers yourself as inspired by your maker.

A week today we looked at: Questions(Part 5) which touched  on: Everyone wanting to be,Too Eager to make it, Fake Trends,Discontentment& Failing to wait on God's time._Thanks for the feedback.

The Questions as we turn the tables:
*What are your Goals&Aspiration???.... Do you even have one???

*If you do, how well have you treated them over the years?

*Why do you keep procrastinating...tickling yourself with so called tangible excuses???

*Was it not last year that you should fulfilled that goal?...Okay,So what has happened to it now as we speak???

*Why are you almost always reactive to situations...Something has to happen before you....???(continue for me)

*How daring are you?....How passionate are you about your dreams or goals???

*Are you able to infect others with it???

*With how laid back &unserious you are,do you expect to carry along the team members???

*As a team member,assess your commitment to that worthy course from the onset,midstream&NOW???

*With all these, Do you expect others to patronise your products or services especially when they see a better one or a united team out there???

*Ask yourself-Though I don't want to rush in life but maybe i am not pushing enough???

*The last time you exuded some passion,showed some dedication&maintained that focus; you knew what happened??? (Why not go back to it???)

*It is so difficult...Yes. Don't you know it has always not been easy???...Why don't you Purpose today to live that dream& live it right...Above all, to keep counting FULLY on GOD'S GRACE???

*Have you realised that anytime you have made it, it was because you heed to that point just above this one???

So these are the QUESTIONS for today clearly bothering on: Goals&Aspirations (PURPOSE), Its Pursuit,How daring, committed&serious we are,How prepared we are to do the painful yet needful to get there.

Let CHRIST be the basis as you answer them.(Prov.16:3,Phil. 3:12-17)

THIS IS QUESTIONS(PART 6). Join me later on another edition.

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