Friday 20 October 2017


Oh yes,God did not send his son...why send his son for this... No, not at all, He did not send his son....

Before i get any accusation for blasphemy,let me quote the whole verse *For God did not send his son into the world to CONDEMN the world, but that the WORLD through him might be SAVED.(John 3:17)*

Of course, this is coming from the back of the world's most popularly quoted scripture John 3:16- _For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son..._

Some years ago, right after reading John 3:16, i decided to read on and when i got to the v.17, i had to stop because it was equally powerful.

The whole John chapter 3 is about  the encounter Nicodemus, a Pharisee had with Jesus. After seeing the light in Jesus, Nicodemus 'nicodemusly' went to Jesus at night to find out how he could be saved. Jesus then took his time to expain  the born again concept to him which included the v.17...

The Jews at the time were expecting a messiah who will come, judge& totally condemn the Gentiles. Jesus corrected that falsehood with *For God did not send his son to condemn the world but...

The message in this is that simple-Christ came to save&not to condemn anyone.
The message of Christ(God's word) convicts,rebukes, corrects but never by its  stretch, does it CONDEMN*
This should be our message,Our lives,talk,nature,attitude, posture for that was what Christ exuded.

Many Christians by their posture alone are very damning and condemning. This is just by virtue of a God who mercifully sliced a piece of his righteousness for us. And for some such righteousness are self-imposed only to look it..

Take this not from me but from God's word-

Any Message that seeks to Condemn you making you unworthy to be saved is not from God...REJECT IT.

Accept the one that convicts,rebukes,corrects,teaches and draws you to Christ(Salvation)

For God did not send his son... into the world to CONDEMN the world, but that the WORLD through him might be SAVED.(John 3:17)

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