Sunday 18 February 2018

Mr&Mrs Anamoah on....*"Y3n B) )d) ho Nkommo... Let's do the Intimate Love chat"*

_🎼Love is a shelter in a raging storm.Love is peace in the middle of a war and if we try to leave May God send angels to guard the door.No, love is not a fight But it's something worth fighting for( Love is not a fight- Warren Barfield song for the movie FIREPROOF)🎼_

Okayyy, so our Love stories continue. It just gets fascinating...well maybe the Lovi Lovi can be happen here.

_They want more ooo. Guess who?...Mr&Mrs Anamoah. After almost 13 years of well... a good marriage.The couple realised from last year's Vals day outing that they have been missing out._

_Missing out on something minutely vital.They know just those key things about each other that hold the marriage. However, intimately together they run on parallel lines. Boredom& mundane activities are the leading chorus of their love song._

_'Nkwadaa no'...i mean their children, the chief culprits. Both know that they separately teach&train their children based on their own understanding.This is because they hardly sit down to do a heart to heart talk about their lives, marriage, children amidst other issues._

_So you get the picture?...However, last year's unplanned Valentine walk seem to have turned things around. The children have seen some newly sweet scented marriage fragrance overshadowing their home._

_So this time,they found a nice way to discard the children& changed the decour a bit. The husband was eager for their outing, so he kept on asking whether she was set, &that everything was in place- the food, drinks&all...Pressure paa..._

_Then, before they hit Efua Sunderland Park to keep flaming that  love spark; Mrs. Anamoah  decided to do this since she got to know just this about the husband recently-  She took a beautiful oval glass bowl, perfectly sliced assorted vegetables&fruits,then angrily poured one full maxi size of that paper milk._

_Mr . Anamoah 'stammeringly' said "bu..t we need t...go hone...yyy.' Just when that dessert& )d) nkommo had taken their minds off their long awaited outing... DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?...Okay, I continue😉...they heard the next big fall...THE RAIN...A CAT&DOG for that matter_

_Mr. Smith fumingly stood up&raised his...AND THE STORY CONTINUES_

( So this weekend find out what happened to George, Padmore,Trudy&Mr &Mrs Anamoah) 🤭

*Y3n B) )d) ho Nkommo...The Love Stories concludes  this weekend*

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