Wednesday 21 February 2018

*NO LUCK*(Part 1)

Out of nowhere, it was little Joy's name that was being mentioned everywhere.

The President was not even billed to attend the event but he made his way there.As she made her way to the podium, the 14-year old Joy Abebrese heard _'It is Luck see the President is even here because of her..._

*'I am not a product of Luck...Someone foreknew&predestined that I would be here this day...NO LUCK!*-Her first attacking words.

Luck is associated with Chance,Being fortunate,Serendipity & its cousin Coincidence. From the dictionary Luck is defined as the *force* that causes things whether good/bad to happen by chance & not by efforts&abilities.

_A force that causes...?_🤨...And what causes that force?...Anyway,I get it when due to the fact that something is just unexplainable, too good/powerful,happens in continuous succession; we tend to use the word Luck.
We are all culprits&we mostly use it with the purest of intentions owing to the above.

However, the chief question is Do things just happen or by Chance???

There is a reason to Everything that happens.And that even goes to the little or simplest thing as in _Proverbs 16:33 - We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall._

Ever thought about dice that way?...Ever thought about the attire you pick every morning that way?...And ever thought about your life in general that way?

_Eccl 3:1-For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven._

In the Bible, they are many examples.More so,when we have the benefit of hindsight.
_There was reason to Jesus' long intentional delay which caused Lazarus death(John 11)_

_There was a reason to Joseph maltreatment by the brothers&his life journey from there.(Gen.50:20)_

Beloved, there is nothing like Luck. *And this I must say go to those who are in God* .Magic,Sorcery&evil forces are also at work& they can make things look as real regardless of their limitations.(Acts19:17-)

How can you be hitting good fortune all of your life or for your life to be purely filled with bad happenings or be 'someway bi'...And it is only due to Luck?

As you chew on the above& these succinct scriptures, we continue with *Part 2* this evening:

*Numbers 23:23- "For there is no omen against Jacob, Nor is there any divination against Israel; At the proper time it shall be said to Jacob And to Israel, what God has done!*

*_Romans 8:28- And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose._*

*SO I SAY with Joy's Final words at the event:*
*_'I don't believe in Luck. I don't believe it just happens. I do believe it is God's favour,blessings &in line with his purpose for us.'...NO LUCK!_*

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