Monday, 19 February 2018


There is something I dislike and that I see and hear on TV & Radio in the many political discourse littered all over.

I call it the *Unnecessary* Balancing of Equation. Journalists are the frontrunners. Kojo Yankson(Joy Fm Morning show host) in his piece sort to say Once I speak negative about A &Positive about B today, the next day i must *force* myself to  balance it.

This they say is #BeingNeutral which mostly are #FalseBalance instead of being objective.

Sometimes people do this in order to calm waters,not cause serious problems&to look good in the eyes of people. Of course, sometimes, balance is needed but not when it is unnecessary & can be dangerous pertaining to life.

Beloved, it is imposssible to encounter Christ &ever *seek* to stay 'this' neutral.

_"If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that asks you for a drink,you would have asked him&he would have given you living water."_ (John 4:10)

In John's Gospel, the Samaritan woman after *opening her heart* to listen to Jesus' penetrative truth had to drop his Jew&Samaritan comparison&later say... _'Sir, Give me this water so i won't thirst again'_ v.15.

The scholarly Paul with all the head knowledge (Acts 22:3)coupled with his hate for Christianity would have done worse with *this neutral course* not until his encounter with God.

DO NOT seek to apply the human standards&analysis  to God,his word& his ways.Many have lost their faith just because they reduced God to human reasoning.

Simple Question?.... Where have our human wisdom, reasoning & neutralities left us today???... Of course, except those that are led by God(Holy Spirit)

*So, He is God&he is not meant to be understood but to be trusted...* #ForHeNeverFails._ We believe  Every Good &perfect gift comes from him(God)-James 1:17_ And this should settle it.It is a *matter of Faith.*

Beloved, it is not about the in-depth analysis,cultures,reasonable arguments&all.It is all about a personal encounter with *Christ for who he is.* This determines what we do&the kind of analysis.

Beloved, it doesn't matter the culture,
there are no neutrals in the matter of Same Sex marriage in Christ because Male and Female he created them unto marriage.

It doesn't matter the times we are in, there are no neutrals with the fact that Indecent exposures are bad.

And of course, there are no neutrals in what is simply  truthful..And this goes to what is known to be  #PublicRelations.

I am the Way,the TRUTH and the life.The truth is only in Christ. Don't be a Neutral sitting on the fence...always seek him especially when things are not clear.

*Don't Be a Neutral with Christ...Be all for him with all the Precautions he(Christ) gives*

*Matthew 12:30 "This is war, and there is no neutral ground. If you're not on my side, you're the enemy; if you're not helping, you're making things worse.*


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