Friday 24 June 2016

'WE SERVE!!!'(PART 1)(Eph.4:11-16)

WE SERVE...Okayy, so of all the jobs in this world, one of them that really fascinates me is that of a Waiter.Basically, I love their whole make-up(though mostly pretentious).Their peculiar uniform, beautiful outlook,unique walk, swift smartness, the willingness and humility to be at your service is just amazing. 

By the snap of your fingers, they hurriedly attend to you because by that they earn their living.
This is what our Father has called us into or to do... TO SERVE!

Ephesians 4:11-12
V. 11 And he gave the  apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers,
V.12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,(To prepare God's people for work of service so that the body of Christ may be built up)

One definition of the Christian life I will give here is SERVICE in HONOUR and interchangeably HONOUR in SERVICE.

Beloved at every point of the Christian life, we're either required to pray,teach, exercise faith, study the Word,give, win souls, disciple, preach&it goes on.You agree with me that IT NEVER STOPS. It's a recurring thing because these are the pivot holding the Christian life. 

Even for those we 'consider' at the apex of the Spiritual ladder, they are never insulated from SERVING.In fact, it is at that level that a higher level of service is required regardless of the different forms it may take.

For many of us, we tend to think that at certain levels in the faith, certain things or work, service are beneath us. Get it straight from here and let this be your MIND,THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SUMS UP TO SERVICE NO MATTER THE HEIGHT YOU REACH.

And so due honour and recognition is accorded you but the prophecy title or healing gifting doesn't  make you bigger than the calling and SERVICE to his (GOD'S) PEOPLE.

COME DOWN!!!... For whatever you are, have or have gotten to, they have been freely given you, not for yourself but to SERVE.(Matthew 10:8)

We are all serving in different capacities.You do yours ,I do mine.(one of them is my messages here)
This is the only way the many dying souls can be be won & the Father's will can be done on earth.
Remember, as Christians, WE SERVE, WE SERVE IN HONOUR....WE  CAN'T I mean WE AIN'T STOPPING.

On MESSAGE FOR THE EVENING, we look at PART 2  of this & other points as well.


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