Friday 24 June 2016

'WE SERVE!'(PART2)(Ephesians 4:11-16)

WE SERVE continues.

Let's start with the full passage

Ephesians 4:11-16
V. 11 And he gave the  apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the
shepherds and teachers,
V.12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,(To prepare God's people for work of service so that the body of Christ may be built up)

V.13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ...
V.16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly,makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

In the morning, we looked at the fact whoever we are, how far we've reached in the Christian race; we still come back to this -a life of SERVICE to God&mankind.

And so as you grow and mature in Christ, what he builds in you is that of humility, fervor, diligence, passion&deep concern to help one another.These virtues are at the core of our Service to God and His people.Anything that runs counter to these virtues as you move on in Christ is not of God. CHECK IT OUT!

Mostly, we're concerned or concern ourselves with the honour, favour, glory and some level of blessings 'bi' especially when we 'think' we've attained some status in Christ.

However, we forget of those same basic simple spiritual things which brought us to that level and have now been forsaken. The Reason?...It is below us, seen us below us or perhaps we fail to surround ourselves with people who will keep us in check.(i.e Remind of such things to help us achieve our God-given purpose.)

Once again, we forget that by his schemes of operations, God channels his (these) blessings through our service to him&his people.

Well, not so amazing anymore but it is still amazing how our humility and willingness to serve, quickly changes as soon as we climb up the Spiritual Ladder. In the corridors of Power, they say.... We become demi-gods only seeking to be worshipped, adored and praised.

Again, i repeat- Due honour and recognition is accorded you but the title or gifting no matter how flamboyant does not  make you bigger than the calling and SERVICE to his (GOD'S) PEOPLE.

Therefore, Stop redefining  the goal of the Christian by the height you have reached. Beloved,Nothing has changed because you still remain a christian and the Christian is SUPPOSED TO SERVE! 

All the things that surrounds it are needful but they are what the Bible describes as 'the other things'...Seek him first which is what the master (Jesus) demonstrated with a life of service through his 33 years on earth.

Of course, we serving doesn't make us paupers who live under the mercy of others and also to be belittled. In fact,it is in that we receive his manifold blessings. The problem and the solution at the same has always been the definition i gave of the Christian Life in Part 1- 'Service in Honour' or rightfully its reverse 'Honour in Service'

Mind you, all these he has enabled us to do by his GRACE(Ephesians 3:20)

Our Service to God can be described as a chain with rippling effects. Let's all play our part.
Let this be engraved in your minds... AS CHRISTIANS, WE SERVE! PERIOD


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