Wednesday 8 June 2016

'GOD, WE KNOW ooo...'(Hebrews 12:3-11)

Hehehe...'GOD, WE KNOW ooo...' indeed.  The title just fascinates me. Anyway, Good morning. This is ON THIS MORNING. How is your morning?

So right from child up to now,there are a lot of things we know. We clearly know a lot of things to do yet we fail to do them.

Do you remember the many times you got injured from playing as a child? Though you KNEW your mother could treat it well; you sheepishly hid it trying to treat it yourself.

Knowing us, mothers eventually find us out &lovingly disciplines us.

Fast Forward to now that you're grown up. You KNOW ALMOST everything that is right or wrong.

*The way&manner you speak or conduct yourself.
*What you've been putting on as a covering.
*  Holding that bitterness inside though you were not wrong in that case.
*The many justifications you give when asked that simple question about those situations.  Check them!

Beloved, for a lot of things that happens to us, it isn't that we don't know WHAT  but the problem is with the HOW?

As  you can see,we're inching closer to the big topic of TRUTH. (We'll deal with that later in  CONTROVERSIAL CONTROVERSIES)

Basically, my point this morning is that we know that God is our ever present help in times of need.
He has the perfect solutions for everything pertaining to this life....but you know what?

We're mostly afraid to go to him with our issues because it's either
*He won't do a fast connection  on them
*He'll go too deep or even for the spiritually matured,he'll reveal mysteries or issues WE are unprepared to deal with.

Okay, so this is what he says in Hebrews 12:9-10:

"Moreover we have all had human fathers who disciplines us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the father of our spirits and live.
Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our Good, that we may share in his holiness."

Therefore, don't let God be your final resort just because of the above untenable reasons; always know his hand of discipline equals LOVE. 

GOD, WE KNOW ooo...


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