Thursday 23 November 2017

*Be Like Peter,Don't be Like Peter (PART 2)*

This is the *Be like....,Don't be like... series*.We are still on Peter. _'Ne ho w) ns3m paa, saa Bra no' _(There are a lot of stuff about Peter)_

As said, Peter is  funny,interesting&a unique character with a lot to learn from. Check out the link toPart 1 & let's continue-

Let's go into them:
*Be like Peter in terms of his Closeness to Jesus* Now,don't be deceived,with all his _'too known&in your face'_ personality,Peter didn't impose himself on Jesus. Jesus chose him out of his will like the others (Mark 3:13)

In Mark 9&Matthew 17,Peter was part of the 3-inner circle (James&John) who were transfigured with Jesus.His closeness is also seen as he mostly led the disciples,was often used by Jesus receiving
a lot of mentions among the disciples.

We are all christians but some are closer to Jesus than others. Jesus is open to all. It all depends on how serious you take your spiritual life.
Peter showed this with a repentant heart,ready to learn&improve attitude aside his extreme passions. Be like Peter,draw nigh to God&he'll draw nigh to you.(James 4:8)

*Don't be a traitor like Peter*And i'm sure you know where i'm going with this especially when forewarned in Matthew 26&Luke 22.

We can all raise the human weakness flag but that is why Peter is a test case for us.Here,it was spiritual pride-relying on his status as a leader&close associate of Jesus.With this,it is easy skip the warnings.

Such are dominant in friendships.Learn to stay true&loyal to that relationship.The signs will always be staring at you even before your denial or unfaithfulness. *Don't be like Peter here*

*Be Daring like Peter but not fearful like Peter.* This is to his walking with Jesus on the sea in Matt. 26.This best describes the man.He started,he made the move.He killed the fears of new beginnings which can be you as an enterpreneur.

If you did so&took that good risk then don't allow the fear of moving on to cripple you.Face it all.Jesus has got your back in the middle of the sea. *So here,Be like,Don't be like Peter.*

Now this:
*Be like Peter who was into&passionate about his craft/ministry,discerning-Confession of Christ which made him the rock on which the church is built(Matt.16:13)*
*Not all occasions but asked the needed questions which brought out the answers (Matt.17.24)*

*Don't be like Peter who was complacent right after his confession of who Jesus is. Be alert(Watch&pray).As a leader,cut off a lot of the excesses,annoyance&'look look face' Peter exhibited.(Just read-Matt.17. *v.4...In all these,Jesus beloved was John in John 21)*


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