Tuesday 21 November 2017


*Job 9:27*- _If I say, I will forget my complaint, I will put off my 'sad countenance, and *be of good cheer*;_

*Daniel 10:19*- _...and said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, *be of good cheer*, and be well. And as he spoke unto me, I was strengthened and said, Let my Lord speak;for thou hast strengthened me._

*John 16:33*- _...In this world,you will troubles, but *be of good cheer*,i have a overcome the world..._

And so there is great value in *being of good cheer.* I believe it starts with having a cheerful heart.

Developing or having a cheerful heart is extremely difficult in this world we live in. _*How can I?...*_ I'm sure you're recounting or thinking of what you're going through.

We can have & in fact, there are many reasons not to be of good cheer but in all these, I don't know what we gain or have gained from being sad or worrying through our problems.

*Being of good cheer* doesn't in anyway mean *You Don't Have Problems*. It only means *_No Matter What the Situation is,_you have a God,he is always with you& will indeed see you through it all*

The Bible in Philippians 4:8 says _Whatever is true,noble,right,pure,lovely,admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about such things._

With this,the Bible is calling us unto having that positive mindset. *This is what Positivity means.* There is no way if we stay focused at this, we won't have a cheerful heart & be of good cheer all the time.

Proverbs 15:13-A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.

*I believe this is& should be our lifestyle& that is what God wants &has enabled us to*

_Philippians 4:4,-Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice._

Noone wants to be sad but i believe because of the world we live in,  we tend to accept or lean towards such sorrowful things.(acting too careful). This is why this message is here.

_Personally, i hate to be sad. I love to be happy all the time. First,not to depend on anyone or anything but on God who spring it from within._ ( *I believe it goes for all*)
_Then, i focus &surround myself with positivity every step of the way.It has gotten to the point where when i am only in deep thought, i just tap myself &ask... *'Hey,Are you sad?'*_

Ooh don't be deceived.The  troubles keep flooding in but God wants us to keep looking at the solution,what he is saying &want us to do.

With this why won't you be full of joy,stay positive& *be of good cheer*which definitely lead us to fulfil our purpose.

*Being of good cheer is like Hope. The hope that is not of this world but only in God.It is so fulfilling.*

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