Monday 6 November 2017


For today & tomorrow evening, we'll be going down on our knees with prayer pointers. This evening,we look at our financial prosperity.

_Jesus says the poor you'll always have with you...(Matthew 26:11)._ It is true not because  it is God's will for us but because many(even&especially christians) decide not to live by the dictates of God's word.

God's will for us includes all things including our finances... _Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy,even as your soul prospers(3 John 1:2)_

*Of course, the caution has always been that our yearning for financial prosperity should be biblically situated &shouldn't be the main focus.*(Matt. 6:33)

However, IT IS NEEDED. Don't deceive yourself to think that it's not especially as many overspiritualise it. In our world now& more so in the christiandom, being financial successful is a dicey issue& that is why Matt. 6:33 will always be our guide

From my observation, i see many  today including  christians come up with initiatives,programmes&ideas in order to make it in this resource demanding world. God does not want the anointed *YOU* hopping&begging  *OTHERS*only to *survive*... *No, that is not our portion in Jesus Name.*

God wants us to make it &one of the ways is to Prosper Financially. With this elaborate background,these are the Prayer Pointers: *PRAY*

*That you will not miss your set time of Financial Breakthrough.Gal.6:9. (That you'll catch that idea,make that move or meet that person to shoot you up*)

*That any door closed to you shall open for your blessings...God will cause you to action right now so that whatever you are doing,not doing or any evil hands of the enemy shall lose his whole(1Cor. 16:9)*

*That you will not  sleep or Idle about but honour his word to be hardworking&diligent in your work as he pours his bountiful blessings on you.(2Thess 3:10-12 &Prov.13:4)*

*That in spite of the many demands,you will Pay your Tithes, Give,Support worthy initiatives&keenly kingdom business through the many forms( 2Cor. 9:11)*

*Finally any evil unseen hands against you,your business&has made poverty your life even for generations unborn all because of  who God made you is rendered ineffective.(Micah 2)*


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