Friday 3 November 2017


As we have been doing, i continue one of my running series as i said last week. This is *You Know What?...(2)*

*YOU KNOW WHAT?...* I wonder what the mere mention of *I Am Coming Soon* with a *Revelation reference* means to you. Does it scare you?...

*YOU KNOW WHAT?...*Check out this- _"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven...with a voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call..."_
_"Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left..."_
_"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."_
(1Thess 4& Matt. 24)

*YOU KNOW WHAT?...* I was thinking which one engages our thoughts very often... _How to make more money&fame or *About Jesus' Second coming...*_

For many,as spiritual as they are,this subject is so uncomfortable & scares them hence they try to avoid. ( *_As part of  human nature, we've been made to see it as such even if on the right path_* )

For others,it is this sin factor 'yi aa',so they dodge this subject. ( *_Rightly so but you are the reason why he came so as to avoid this_*)

For some,what will happen will happen so let me live my life... forgetting about it. (_*Some christians even think this...YOU DON'T WANT TO GO THIS PATH...IT IS BEYOND REGRET*_)

Many at times we preach or talk about the judgment day only to scare people. If it was the perfect way,we would have all been saved by now because as kids we were constantly fed with this. We were just filled with fear&with time it fizzled out.

I am here this.morning... *YES, to remind you that CHRIST WILL COME BACK AGAIN...ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE HIM?*

I know little about Rapture, the tribulations and all the scary &'hohodious' thing they say. It is good to know them but personally i care little.

My simple reason is Knowing JUST these things does not *SAVE YOU! WE ARE SAVED* when we encounter CHRIST,Accept him and ooh truly let him be the Lord& master of our lives.

The only cure to falling victim to Jesus coming is to Know him& decide to live each day to please him fully accessing his ever available GRACE��

I am not here to scare you..NO!...In fact,i sometimes do forget about the second coming because i am busy making effort every single day to please him with all my fallibilities. ( *You know what?...This is all we need*)

Jesus, talking about his second coming never sought to scare us-' _So you also *must be ready,* because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. (Matthew 24:44)_'


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