Wednesday 1 November 2017


Good morning to you all. _'Me wo Jesus'_ is the story message today.Let's go for it:

_It was the last three words 15-year old Jones heard from Ansere's dying mum on the Sickbed. It was so affectionate as the mother held Ansere's hand &told him to tell himself- *Me wo Jesus*.She then gave up the ghost._

_It was really touching but Jones didn't give much thought to those three words as much as how his same-age friend would cope. His father was no more&the rest of the family members were caught up in a web of antagonism._

_A month after that,  news broke that Jones' parents were missing. It was like a joke..._
*ooh they'll come,i mean how?...they are adults* _-Jones initial remarks_

_6 months,a year & nothing was heard from them, Jones was devastated. As the only child, Jones had this special intimacy with the parents that noone could fill._

_Remembering those kind spiritual words from the many sympathizers were just nothing to Jones. A look back at the memories,goals,plans,promises & JONES JUST COULD NOT TAKE IT as he held tightly to that sharp knife alone in the room..._

_With blood dripping from his hand,he could virtually do  nothing as he lay on the floor weak. He had stayed without food for days. All of a sudden,Ansere came to mind. His situation was even more terrible with virtually no support yet... It was then that he remembered those three words... *Me Wo Jesus*_

_He had not heard all this while.Apparently,his door had been busy with a lot of knocks& some wild noise. As they forcibly entered,it was *Just what Jones wanted to see.* He stretched his hand in excitement as he fell down motionless..._

Beloved, i stand on this story to tell you today... *Wo W) Jesus (You Have Jesus)*

No matter who you are,going through, who you solely depend on, never thought of losing or disappointing you,have lost,so attached to... In all,tell yourself *Me w) JESUS*

In fact, let him be *FIRST*,the center,the hope you cling to...You never go wrong with him. I don't know what your situation is but i know a simple *'Me Wo Jesus'* with an unwavering belief is all you need.

*_Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”_*(Joshua 1:9)

(Want to know what happened to Jones��...The story will continue...#stayput��)

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