Wednesday 22 November 2017

*'Be Like Peter...Don't Be Like Peter'*(Part 1)

This is the *Be like....,Don't be like... series*. We kick off with the character Peter.

I find 'Bra' Peter�� in the bible to be very funny, interesting&a unique character. _He was Spiritual yet over-spiritual too,daring yet full of fear..._

There are a lot more to learn from him.These are key selected accounts as taken from the 4 gospels of the life of 'Mr. Peter'- The Disciple.

Let's go into them:
*First,the Calling.Be like Peter in responding to Jesus call over your life Now.* Heyy,see you?... scared again because you're only looking at full-time ministry.So what if?...����
As Jesus called out his first disciples in Matt.4&Luke 5, (Simon)Peter& Andrew his brother *responded immediately leaving everything.*

*How well do we respond to God's call?*...Many at times, it's because we haven't availed ourselves enough& also to be convicted. Jesus told the Samaritan woman _if you knew the gift of God&who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him& he would have given you living water._ (John 4:10)

James 1:17- _Every good &perfect gift comes from God..._
How well do we allow this to sink within our spirit being. If it was,we wouldn't be treating God's call like we do just because of its issues&its perceived kind of life.

Peter without knowing what that normal fishing day held availed himself because it was the higher calling of God. That was his Life. *Note this- Missing your Purpose in Life is EVERYTHING. Note again,it may be Full time or not. He is calling right now... Will you be like Peter?...*

*Next,Please Please Don't Be Like Peter in this because he is one annoying,Too known(Nhwehwuanimu),radical 'guy' to find in the Bible*

In John 13,Peter didn't want Jesus  to wash his feet when it reached his turn.You could sense Peter's 'showmanship'  in v.8-9 with
_'You shall never wash my feet.'_ . Then when Jesus responded _'If i do not wash you, you have no share with me.'_. Peter then said _'Lord,not my feet only but also my hands&head!_ ...

Okay,check out Peter here once aagain in Matt. 26:31-35 when Jesus forewarned him about his denial.
Out of Spiritual pride,Peter said _'Even if I have to die with you,i will never disown you._
Working with such characters in a group can be very discouraging&annoying. And in a case of a leader as Peter,it only set the wrong examples.

More so,one bad example as a leader is his aggressive &radical manner by cutting someone's ear in John 18:10 just because of Jesus arrest...Did he know of what his death was to do for mankind?...

I've observed that Bra Peter didn't take his time to wait upon God before acting in many situations. Aside other examples,it was the same right after predicting Jesus as the Messiah(Mark 8:27-)

*With this,Don't be like Peter.*
There are a lot about Peter... _Peter ho w) ns3m_&so we do Part 2&3 the coming days.


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