Thursday 30 November 2017


_And the award for the order of the star of Ghana goes to..(You)_ *_How would that make you feel?_*

Now that is the *Biggest Award* in Ghana. It is the highest national honour which means the recipients' contributions should be highly immeasurable in terms of its massive impact on the people.

It is a human institution&so will definitely have its flaws if you are thinking whether people who get it are  well-deserving or are skewed.

Awards are meant to recognise& motivate&so are not bad per say.A few of the many scriptural references to back it.(2 Tim.4:7-, James 1:12,Prov. 3:7, Phil. 2:16)

*I believe it is the craze for it& what you allow it to make you do that makes it bad/sinful.* However, it can easily serve as a bait for sin to fester. _This is true because there is a really deep feeling that comes with it._

_I 'kinda' know this because recently one of my writings(short story) was nominated at the Ghana Writers Awards 2017.Though i didn't win,i knew what i felt within me☺.Finally,my work has been recognised. I felt like a winner for just the nomination(Something i didn't believe before when said by these stars)_

*And so what if an Oscar,Grammy,Nobel Prize or Ghana's highest honour???*

Today's message  about the *Biggest Award* is to first serve as a perpetual Reminder,A Check & for us to ultimately redefine what our Biggest Award is or should be.

*As said,Awards are not bad.There is certainly the biggest award on Earth but many have set the earthly ones far&high above the spiritual which is most important.They don't even think about it let alone work towards it.*

Now from Paul,this should be the mindset of every christian:
_'But whatever was to my profit i now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more,i consider everything a loss compared to...knowing Christ....for whose sake i have lost all things. i consider them rubbish that i may gain Christ... I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus._(Read fully in Phil. 3:7-14)

Mind you, not everyone will get to win earthly awards but the biggest award of the crown of Righteousness is for every Christian who have longed&,waited for his appearing.(2Tim. 4:8)

There is no competition whatsoever,we are all running our own race towards the big prize. What's wonderful in this race?...we even help&support each other to get there.

With this mindset,whatever we do on earth won't even be for awards but to impact a soul just for the sake of Christ. The Awards that comes will be *the other things added to you for God&his crown of righteousness is your Biggest award.*


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