Thursday 5 May 2016

'ABBA FATHER'(Rom. 8:15, Mark 14:36, Gal.4:6)

So,your parents have always been around eee?

Ooh SORRY if you've lost them. However, for reinvoking such a bad news,I've something for you here.

So, for you de3, you've always had them (Father& Mother) with you&around you.I am sure it is in order to be thankful to God for that.
Let me move away from the typical motherhood thing. Let's do it this way:
Growing up, you always like to lie on Daddy's big shoulders, able to go to him anytime&even scream his name DADDY whenever you wanted.

The wonderful thing is to see a young lady who has a very intimate relationship with the father.This is what Fathers today are gradually becoming. It is our prayer that this sustained so as to impact positively on our families and society at large.

It leads us to God, our 'ABBA FATHER'

The word ABBA is an Aramaic word that would most closely be translated as “Daddy.”
A common word used by young children to address their fathers. It signifies the close, intimate relationship of a father to his child, also indicating a childlike TRUST that a young child puts in his “Daddy.”

Beloved, this is the message today. God, the one you serve has given you the right to call him ABBA FATHER...DADDY. The only qualification is to ACCEPT HIM as SAVIOUR & LORD. (Romans 10;9)

We normally see God in a very fearful light.We talk about his love but truly we see him as a fearful giant whom we have to beg and shudder. Leave that to the devil &his cohorts, it is them who believe and shudder in his name

Romans 8:15
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again...the Spirit you received brought about your ADOPTION to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Our God wants us to move from old, primitive, domineering, fearful mentality of Fathers to the new, refreshing, accommodating,loving,merciful DADDY...ABBA FATHER mentality where the FAITH AND TRUST LIKE THAT OF A CHILD is the basis of the relationship.


In my personal relationship with God,I really chat,play,enjoy whiles having an intimate spiritual time with him. Yes, I really do.

Be focused and serious with God but that 'Gidigidi bi saa no' as if  God is fast running out and you either catch him now or never. Sometimes, it looks like we're fighting God.
It is just over the top fueled by a notion put into heads. DON'T JOKE WITH GOD,YES, BUT MAKE TIME TO ENJOY HIM. IT IS A RELATIONSHIP!

And so it is extremely painful not to have your parents with you but here is the full assurance and fulfilment- You can ALWAYS  rely on this unfailing, joyous and perpetual relationship with your ABBA FATHER.(GOD)

This goes to everyone, every christian or that matter.

Galatians 4:6
'Because you are his sons,God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba , Father.”


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