Wednesday 4 May 2016


Well, I don't know what you keep as REMINDERS.  Ooh yes, I'm talking about REMINDERS in this life. 

Okay, let me start with the usual:
*Did your Alarm clock wake you up this morning? If it did, then obviously it served as a REMINDER. (However, you know the countless times it has failed you)

*In your normal office setting, senior level managers keep Personal Assistant(PA) to remind them of their  numerous itineraries.(Jokingly, I have a dear  friend who calls me PA because I act as one)

Beloved, in this life we all need REMINDERS.  People Reminders& all other Resource based Reminders.
All these help to keep us going in our daily activities. Just try to keep these mechanisms in place. IT HELPS.

However, they fail. Yes, we know because sometimes it fails in the mysterious of well planned circumstances.

The perfect REMINDER?...God's Word&his Holy Spirit.  The two move in tandem because they're ONE.The above Scripture has very little to do with REMINDERS. 

It's about Communion&its remembrance.  However, what took me there in my Quiet Time today is in v.26
'For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.'

As instructed by our Lord Jesus, Communion Service is way people are to SPECIALLY REMIND one another of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
This is a good practice& it constantly keeps us awake to the meaning of Christ redemptive work on the cross.

The Lord knowing the disposition of man to easily forget having lost any perfect trail he put in us, gave us the simple & common sense approach to resort to people and resource-based reminders.

However, the amazing thing is that when the above fails and we feel let down by him, the same God uses these same reminders in a unique way just to let us know that left to those reminders alone we wouldn't be able to make it. By this, our God is simply telling us to always& fully RELY on him and not on the mediums through which he operates. 

Beloved, don't you see anytime you're in tune with the Spirit, everything goes well. He becomes the perfect reminder you need by making sure that even in your not so perfect life; the needed help, preparation & direction are provided in order to make it in this trouble-ridden life.

I believe the best way to live our lives is to always 'REMIND' ourselves of the Word of God daily& be in tune with his SPIRIT for they are the 'PERFECT REMINDER' we need in this life.

In this life, never leave out the 'THE PERFECT REMINDER'

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